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Everything posted by LABEVO

  1. 2 years at mck are a dime a dozen. That would make him at best a director of at F100 company
  2. Not really. He had a very standard McKinsey resume that was fairly lite to translate to real $$$
  3. I get text spammed from Team Liz constantly. Today, I responded vote Bernie! Within an hour, I got a text from team Bernie asking me I’m voting for Bernie and where.
  4. if i hadn't max out my donation to liz, i would be donating more tonight
  5. I don’t see problem with this. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  6. Everytime he opens his mouth, the worse he gets. He is a log cabin Republican.
  7. His short tenure of a shitty town in Middle America proves that he cannot.
  8. Similar to the plastic bag tax. Simple yet hugely effective policy that benefits everyone but the Rs go nuts yelling don’t take my liberties!!!!!
  9. In Wuhan, people are starting to have issues getting food. At what point does serious food shortage cause other issues?
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