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Everything posted by LABEVO

  1. Yes, W was the smart one compared to Obama 🤔
  2. lulz. Republicans are the party of fiscal responsibility.
  3. My parents are there too. I have asked them to stay longer since they are at risk given their age (70+). Original flight was supposed to be next Monday but waiting to see....
  4. It is Cagliari. Venice doesn't have dolphins....which many of the photos are now showing dolphins....
  5. I agree that China hid the extent but that did not stop us from preparing as we had plenty of time. Their dishonesty did not cause our failure. If we had info in Nov/Dec, we still would have not prepared.... VCs in the bay were making noise in Jan and were panned by the press for freaking out.
  6. You can blame China for the environmental conditions that create these viruses but not telling us soon enough really wasn't on them...We had plenty of time to act....
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