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Everything posted by LABEVO

  1. Maybe we can put them all in camps together....
  2. That is from January 2019. I am an idiot...
  3. I don't see business travel bouncing back...Airlines and hotels are going to be fubar for a while imo.
  4. The company has had to shut down one plant already which processes ~7%+ of pork to the US market.
  5. https://www.local10.com/news/local/2020/04/13/judge-to-lawyers-please-get-out-of-bed-and-put-on-a-shirt-for-zoom-court-hearings/ Judge to lawyers: Please get out of bed and put on a shirt for Zoom court hearings
  6. similar sentiment from researching reports...
  7. Well, a war help get us out the 1920's depression so what the hell?
  8. Republican talking point. We meant to predict the causality rate so Trump beat expectations / Republican talking point
  9. Cross posting for CR talk....Republican looking to intentionally default on our debt.
  10. /no CR but I can't imagine how markets would react if we purposely defaulted on part of our debt...
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