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  1. I tried. With an ankle sprain I couldn’t wait in line. Maybe tomorrow or the next day.
  2. Decent? There were blatant uncalled holds by Williams, I think 2 or 3 in a row, that still hurried up Arch.
  3. That guy is not watching his own images. we have 5 or 6 guys blocking 4-5 guys by the numbers. But what we really have are 3 guys blocking 1, 1 blocking another, and one trying to block one more. And a free lane to the QB. That doesn’t seem effective to me.
  4. Tom Herman asked to clarify rules and the b12 officials made a big deal about it and kept trying to spin a simple rule clarity issue that should have been obvious for more than a decade. Same conference that thought 2008 Tech wasn’t holding or choking all game, that same conference that supported the fuckery of 2015 OSU game where the cunt ran into Charlie Strong then flagged him for it. So excuse us if some of us have little faith in officiating officials. The presence of officials should be a net positive on the game.
  5. Nivek

    Media Bias

    NYT fucked up by trying to placate morons by hiring hacks.
  6. Nivek

    Media Bias

    So why did you bring it up?
  7. That is really all there is to it. The oligarchical elements exist within every society and have for a long time. If kept in check, it can be good for the society. When let to run amok, we get convicted con-men like Trump and his moronic children elevated to some social status. We should have predicted this with the rise of the stupid-ass shows like Kardashians and the rise of shitbags.
  8. Nivek

    Media Bias

    So this is the evidence you need for a conspiracy, but actual clips of Convicted Felon Trump requesting Putin interfere with elections followed by hacking by foreign actors is just a co-inky-dink.
  9. Meh, the fans have taken the high road and we saw even more ref fuckery in the B12. It was really amazing how our opponents seemed to play their cleanest games of the year against us. Grumbling on the internet did fuck all. Coaches sending in videos of the rigged games did fuck all. Heck the conference only became more emboldened to jerk us around.
  10. Maybe we watched a different game, but I saw Cam Williams get beat and play himself out of position like Christian Jones used to do. Or D-lineman jumping up to bat down a pass while our o-lineman stood there ready to play patty-cake. They were very bad. The jump shifts from Georgia should have been expected and done right back at them. Coaching sucked the most.
  11. I am glad they did it. And I hope they do it again. They killed a nice return for a holding call that wasn’t as egregious or obvious as to what their line was doing all game. They had their thumbs on the scale.
  12. Nivek

    Media Bias

    It is really not difficult to discern propaganda from real information. All it requires is a little critical thought and sometimes checking sources when things get outlandish. What I see is a xenophobic campaign run by the right wing hate machine, against vulnerable people. I see no policy talk, no facts, nothing to address how they are not psychopaths, felons and morons. The left should hammer on that. Instead of “Mr. President” it should be “convict Trump”. Every single article and ad in the media should include the fraud judgements, the numerous absurd lies, the attempted coup, the mentally unfit moments, the injection of bleach, the sexual assault judgements, and being impeached. Then introduce his leadership teams who are also felons. That is fair, because it is all true. Ted Cruz is a piece of shit whose idea of fighting for Oil and Gas workers was to do nothing during the downturn. His billionaire backers raked in millions to speculate and buy distressed companies while 10s of thousands of workers lost their jobs/careers. He isn’t just a coward, he is a pathological liar and a wimp who ran from a storm and threw his own children under the bus in trying to explain his actions for a 3rd time after each other lie failed. He has done nothing to help the immigration issues or to help curtail crime. He even voted against benefits for vets and first responders and celebrated fucking over those people just around the same time he has supported more needless tax cuts on the elites and corporations. Just fucking print that. It is all true. No lies are needed, just tell the truth about these fuckheads, it’s is damning enough. It is also why they have to lie, because the truth is that B-H did a very good job cleaning up the mess. But it isn’t over. They have to root out the corruption in the judicial branch next.
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