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Everything posted by Nivek

  1. She is a bottle of peroxide away from being a Trumford Wife
  2. Wives and stupid shit, or something else?
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajBHZKoKYbU&ab_channel=Movieclips
  4. I am not certain he started out this way. But it does appear that he was warped by celebrity/money in the same way that many childhood actors are.
  5. reminds me of my last visit with South Austin's mom.
  6. This thread is another reason to doubt our legal system.
  7. That is hysterical. Super genius businessmans gets hoodwinked by a teenager? He is trying so hard to sell us on his struggles and the adversity he had to overcome.
  8. A hero ain’t nothing but a sandwich.
  9. Cruz is even more pliable than Trump. With Trump they have the transaction angle to deal with. With Cruz, they just need to humiliate him or show him polling numbers to get his compliance.
  10. Nivek

    Biden's legacy

    Biden intended to retire, but for dumbfucks voting for Trump over Hilary. He came back to save us from Trump and his disastrous reign. Now we are flirting with the disaster again….
  11. I had Waylon in my list but it didn’t fit when we looked at them.
  12. It isn’t just criminals, but children. But I guess we have already established we don’t give a shit about them as a society.
  13. Kind of reminds me of when my FIL (Mizzou) told me that the fans were fired up about some comments Dodds made. He is a pragmatic man, and agreed with Dodd’s comment. I recall being perplexed that someone would care about something 2 athletic directors ago said. Michael Dixon proceeded to break his heart while fascinating him about his unusual skill.
  14. Yeah, machines always work, don’t have loopholes, and companies never overstate their effectiveness. Remember when a few Marines outsmarted the most advanced DARPA AI? https://www.businessinsider.com/marines-fooled-darpa-robot-hiding-in-box-doing-somersaults-book-2023-1 I am sure no one could show a mannequin head or face mask and fool it.
  15. Nothing really. A bullet ignited that way would not penetrate drywall. Might annoy you if you got hit, especially in the eyes/nether regions.
  16. Is that Sigourney Weaver's daughter behind her?
  17. So with the Dallas Baptist Church news, we now know that God hates children, is a republican, loves conmen, and hates baptists.
  18. Fucking Dallas assholes trying to steal Houston's spotlight again. No one cares about your leased used 3-series.
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