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Everything posted by 83Horn

  1. Zubia has really improved his defense this year...great pick there
  2. Sounds more like it's going to be a prequel than a remake
  3. Dang...that's the second time Kennedy's been robbed by that guy.
  4. Maybe because he still has a relatively low pitch count. Just guessing. Regardless, would be surprised if he comes out for the 8th.
  5. Nor do you. It is the wise man who knows that he knows nothing. 😉
  6. Don't read through these things very thoroughly, I see. This was addressed a mere 11 posts above yours. Re-posted for your reading convenience: Nowhere did I say, or even imply, that Texas is not fine now. I said that in the estimation of alleged "experts", we're picked to finish no better than second in the Big XII, and maybe even lower. I happen to disagree with that. I think we have a good chance of winning it this year, specifically because we're fine in the QB department, elite in the RB department, sneaky good in the OL department, and I believe (in spite of what the last 10 years have taught me) that this coaching staff, is primed to get the best out of our available talent NOW, and will continue to do so after this year is finished. I do not believe that the success of the University of Texas football program is tied all that tightly to one highly rated high school QB, who has displayed elite talent, but also some questionable internal fortitude. But, that just like, my opinion, man...you are free to disagree.
  7. Really? Based on the reactions here, it seems like there are quite a few people who believe it, and are greatly offended by my posts.
  8. Yes, mainly as a middle finger to anyone who thinks that the Texas football program is fucked without this kid signing up to play. We're fine without him, don't need him.
  9. Reading comprehension is not a strong point with you, is it, or perhaps you're just seeing what you want to see? Nowhere did I say, or even imply, that Texas is not fine now. I said that in the estimation of alleged "experts", we're picked to finish no better than second in the Big XII, and maybe even lower. I happen to disagree with that. I think we have a good chance of winning it this year, specifically because we're fine in the QB department, elite in the RB department, sneaky good in the OL department, and I believe (in spite of what the last 10 years have taught me) that this coaching staff, is primed to get the best out of our available talent NOW, and will continue to do so after this year is finished. I do not believe that the success of the University of Texas football program is tied all that tightly to one highly rated high school QB, who has displayed elite talent, but also some questionable internal fortitude.
  10. You apparently don't realize how wrong you are. I actually don't care if he plays here or not. My point is, as stated above, we don't need him, and we're fine without him. If I am peeved about anything, it's that he felt the need to tell a bullshit story about why he chose not to come here, and implying that Texas isn't good enough for his talents.
  11. Well, if recruiting requires that I be willing to get down on all fours and do whatever is necessary to convince an 18 year old to play football at my university, then yes, you're right...it's definitely not for me. As for you...NTTAWWT.
  12. Yes, I understand that, just to be clear. Doesn't mean I can't wish for him to have Tate Martell levels of success.
  13. I'm not talking about the QB room; I'm talking about the team. tOSU is pretty universally considered to be a lock for the B1G championship, and a CFP spot every year, while Texas is considered to be runner-up (at best) in the Big XII. If Ewers is as good as everyone seems to think he is, he should be able to help get Texas over that hump to championship level, but instead of coming here and helping make that happen(as he originally committed to do), he decides to go where the championships are almost guaranteed. That just seems a bit...weak to me. Texas doesn't need him, and we'll be fine without him.
  14. Not really. The reason he gave for leaving the state is complete bullshit. Texas hadn't been in the running for a National Championship for a little while when he initially committed to Texas, so it apparently didn't bother him then. I may be wrong, probably am, but it just appears to me that this kid doesn't really like competition. He likes being at the top, but doesn't like having to fight or compete to get to the top. I want guys on the team who have a bit more fire in their belly. Texas will be fine without him.
  15. Fuck this guy, and fuck anyone who thinks we're still getting him and fuck anyone who thinks we need him. I hope this fucker is the next Tate Martell. Instead of crapping on the team you initially committed to because, "a Texas team hasn’t been in the running for a national championship in a little while", how about you embrace the challenge of helping bring that team back to prominence instead of body surfing on the success of others. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/ncaafb/former-longhorns-commit-quinn-ewers-comments-of-players-leaving-texas/ar-AAKxvqU
  16. I love this picture...I hope Baker is seeing this in his nightmares forever; that one where you're running away from something ominous, but you're stuck in slow motion...fuck Baker Mayfield.
  17. Ok, so that brief hype video up there shows some guy taking a puff off a cigar...is that allowed at the ball park? If so, SWEET!
  18. I had a bit of a chuckle several years ago when I was going through a box of stuff I had picked up while cleaning out my mom's house after she passed away. In this box was a diary my dad had kept in 1955. There was an entry from about a week after one of my brothers was born, in which my dad says that he was feeling pretty ashamed of himself for making my mom cry at the hospital. Apparently he blew up at the staff when they handed him the bill for the stay. "$140??? She was only in there for four days!" My, how things have changed.
  19. This fucker needs a shower, shave, haircut...and a swift kick in the balls:
  20. As pointed out in another thread, this is the guy that bowed up on Mike Antico after colliding at the plate early in game one of our series with them, setting off a scuffle that got the left side of our infield ejected. We then had to play the rest of that game, and all of game two with substitutes at second, third, and short...which didn't end up mattering, because the subs played great, and we still swept the kats. So, yeah, thanks for the homer, dude, but fuck you. Congrats on your dogpile moment.
  21. And we have yet to get him out today.
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