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Everything posted by 83Horn

  1. This seems like another effective pitching change...at least he's putting them close enough to the strike zone for us to get some decent hits.
  2. Welcome back, Mr. Kennedy. HR makes it 6-1
  3. So, this pitching change seems like it was effective
  4. Can't disagree with anything you said here, but I would say one thing; Don't assume unlicensed carriers are automatically untrained carriers.
  5. This is objectively untrue. I'm sure I could find several more examples if I wanted to spend another 5 minutes searching, but something tells me that facts and evidence wouldn't matter: https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/08/in-missouri-a-good-guy-with-a-gun-stepped-up-so-can-you/ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-50952443 https://www.texasmonthly.com/articles/stephen-willeford-sutherland-springs-mass-murder/
  6. Understand, but it's not the difficulty of obtaining the permit that's at issue here, it's the very need to have the government's permission to carry that's the issue. As an extreme, and very unlikle example, here in Virginia you can open carry without a permit. If I happen to be open carrying with a shoulder holster, or a rig on my hip on a nice warm spring day while I'm out and about, and a cold front blows in, the temperature drops and I put on a jacket, I am now concealed carrying and technically committing a felony by putting on my jacket. Is this a likely scenario...no, but as I stated in my last post, the Constitutional Carry law protects those who don't want to open carry, would like to carry concealed, but for whatever reason have chosen not to get licensed.
  7. Not so sure about this. Where I live, here in Virginia, we don't have a Constitutional Carry law. We can open carry, but must have a permit to carry concealed. If we are ever caught carrying concealed without a permit, I believe we can be charged with a felony, which is why I don't carry. If we had Constitutional Carry, I would carry in certain situations. Perhaps it's different in Texas, but the passage of Constitutional Carry, while probably won't have any practical effect on crime rates, does protect those who want to carry, but for whatever reason choose not to get a State issued license.
  8. Clearly, this is my fault. Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa.
  9. Dang...WVU wins...to many wasted opportunities
  10. How about we keep his defense, and develop his hitting.
  11. Yeah, if the rule is there has to be irrefutable evidence that the call on the field was wrong, then Cam was safe
  12. I like how Witt doesn't dick around with he gets up on an 0-2 count
  13. If nothing else, there isn't enough to turn this over...but these are BIG XII umps so...
  14. Cam does it again...double with a fielding error puts him on third with one out.
  15. Walk loads the bases with one out and Zubia up to bat
  16. Ty has a quick rest of the inning, but we need to get some bats going. 4-3 to bottom of 5
  17. I believe the 4-2 score is the TCU-KSU game, with KState up
  18. WVU leadoff HR in top of 5...now 4-3 bad guys
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