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Hookah Horns

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Everything posted by Hookah Horns

  1. If consciousness and knowledge of worldly happenings somehow continue after death, I'd wager very few people/ghosts in history have ever been more ashamed of their offspring than RFK Sr. is.
  2. Love the "campaign platform - top issues in 2024" chyron while he's doing his dusty old 2020 routine for the billionth time. Funny because it's true.
  3. Well he's very, very busy. A lot of people are saying he's the busiest person in the country. Just the other day someone came up to him out of nowhere and said "Mr. President, I would never believe someone as busy as you could ever have time to sort through boxes."
  4. First thing I'm doing when I get my DeLorean. Holiday competitor 🤣 🤣 what in the actual fuck? This bitch should have to work on New Years Day.
  5. I'm fascinated by what the defense's case is going to be. As far as I can tell there are no major questions of fact; pretty much all the facts of the case can be stipulated except for the Corcoran based evidence that they'll try to suppress. That leaves us with the legal arguments, and nobody seems to have any idea what theory has a chance in hell of succeeding. It seems to me his only hope is suppressing the fruits of the search warrant and other crucial evidence. In that case, pretrial proceedings will be the main event.
  6. The PRA argument is way too dumb for anyone to take the time to explain why it's dumb. It's not unlike arguing that the Anti-Money Laundering Act says I have every right to launder money. Not the best analogy but it's equally nonsensical.
  7. I don't think he believes or even remotely understands any of the shit he's said about the law. He just regurgitates what he hears from the loons in his orbit, OANN, etc. He thinks he'll get away with it simply because he's repeatedly bullshitted his way to zero consequences throughout his life. Part of me thinks that maybe he did all this just to prove to himself once and for all that he really is invincible/a god. Kinda like in Groundhog Day when he starts killing himself in a variety of ways before waking up again no worse for the wear.
  8. This might have been relevant if they had brought the indictment elsewhere and the trial or appellate court found that venue was improper after he was convicted. But it's moot now.
  9. Considering that he's admitted to intentionally taking the documents and there's no legal defense for his conduct, I'd give anything to know what his current team of ass clown lawyers is telling him about their strategy and his chances of beating this. As far as I can tell, jury nullification or Cannon dismissing the indictment just because are their only possible paths to victory.
  10. Not saying it'd be reasonable to fear for their safety, but he's a widely hated clown people want to see locked up. If I squint I can kinda see why you might not want the world to know you helped bail him out. That said, I'm certain this is total bullshit.
  11. It seems to me that when it comes to future new votes, they're largely dependent on their offspring (MAGAts) who are not yet of voting age. I have to think there will be a good number who reject what they've been indoctrinated to believe when they come of age. I could be wrong about that but regardless, there's no future for their species in the US politically.
  12. It's just making the word out of various Trump related things. That's not what happens in the Mar-a-Lag-Blow Booth™.
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