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Hookah Horns

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Everything posted by Hookah Horns

  1. The campaign request to remove the dick pics.
  2. Lolz, props to that engineer for telling Musk that public interest in his antics is waning (from unquoted portion of article linked above). Probably knew he was going to get fired and did the right thing anyway. Musk is a fucking embarrassment.
  3. Biden's request was prompted by a desire to spare the world from being put to shame by his son's huge dick (from what I hear). Trump's request was prompted by his teeny tiny dick syndrome. Sounds about right.
  4. No bitch, what's sad is your inability to comprehend that a private internet website/company can do whatever the fuck they want with the content people submit to be posted on their site, and that that is what freedom of speech really is. RICO? Lulz. And you're surprised the CEO of the company you filed frivolous litigation against doesn't want to be your friend? Actually I'm pretty sure she's just another grifter. Just googled her and she was recently ordered to pay $125k in legal fees for a different frivolous case. I reckon she raises money from the MAGAts by way of this sort of bullshit.
  5. Terrible people are fair game for any and all mockery and derision in my book.
  6. If Obama was delivering a SOTU in 2017, Joe was spot on.
  7. I saw a poll where a large percentage said he hadn't gotten anything done legislatively. The average American isn't letting ignorance stand in the way of them having strong opinions.
  8. Is there any doubt that Mccarthy will get a no-confidence motion tomorrow due to his shushing?
  9. Yes but there were many more joining in on the heckling this time. Decorum and respect during the SOTU are officially dead. At least when it's a Dem POTUS.
  10. MTG is such a dumb worthless cunt. At least she dressed the part.
  11. The MAGAts getting clowned by sleepy Joe. You love to see it.
  12. Tweet is fake and I don't know if he's ever tweeted it, but he says basically the same thing here (linked to relevant part).
  13. Well it does look like he's miming jacking two dudes off. Don't kink shame.
  14. I don't really get how you get from your premise that it's unlikely to hit anyone to the conclusion that the risk of hitting anyone is a red herring. China spies on us all the time and they know where shit like our missile silos are. Preventing the Chinese from getting slightly more high res pics of them isn't worth the small risk of killing someone. What is so hard to understand about this? It's also likely that we left it up there to see what it was doing and what it was capable of doing.
  15. Right, Montana is as desolate as the moon and there's no chance a huge chunk of debris hits a person. Fucking moron.
  16. The total absence of shame is just remarkable. Nobody who's ever spewed bullshit on the level he does has been anywhere near this terrible at it. He sucks goat ass at using rhetoric, spin, and deflection. He's an absolute zero point zero.
  17. Someone ought to have thought to make it a crime to fraudulently induce voters into voting for you with copious blatant lies about your background.
  18. I'm in disbelief that he didn't call it the "statue of limitations."
  19. I think that's merely in support of their decision to publish the audio, rather than a legal argument about their right to do so.
  20. I don't care what anyone says, it's genuinely impressive that she said that with a straight face.
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