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Hookah Horns

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Everything posted by Hookah Horns

  1. It's beyond me how seasoned lawyers could think Fox was on the right side of the law and that the litigation wouldn't be highly damaging.
  2. Damn this dude can't stay away from kid drag shows.
  3. I have a feeling that hasn't happened in several epochs.
  4. Jordan Peterson is the worst at this.
  5. Rural Texans continually embarrass the state.
  6. Suggesting this country needs improvement in some areas is hateful to whitey.
  7. This jibes with what I've imagined the magats are getting accomplished on the hill.
  8. I know it's hard to keep up with the latest American mass shooting and hate crimes, but it was just weeks ago we had a Hispanic guy who sported a swastika tat kill a bunch of other brown people in the very state most of this board lives in. What don't you believe about that story, shit for brains?
  9. Nazis and confederates just can't stop taking L's. Not unlike their forefathers.
  10. I really don't know how they could have believed this would work out well for them.
  11. CNN stumping for Trump, Fox firing Tucker and Mrs. Ed....what the fuck is going on? Both refocusing on appealing to centrists?
  12. This is but a drop in the bucket of shit that prick deserves.
  13. Please baby Jesus let this file see the light of day.
  14. The whole veteran thing triggers me bigly. I have to suppress thinking about this kind of stuff to stay in this willfully ignorant as fuck state (I'd likely be in Colorado already if my law license worked there).
  15. I'm not sure how you managed to totally miss the issue here. Odd time to pop a personal-responsibility boner. Cops are arresting and charging kids with felonies when they're not even breaking the law, but boo fucking hoo because these kids knew they were violating school policy, right? Hey, I know, let's arrest every school rule breaker and charge 'em with felonies. The charges won't stick but maybe it'll learn 'em to not break school rules next time! Only a stupid idiot teenager would violate school rules! Cheat on a test, prepare for arrest. No hall pass, cops got your ass.
  16. I use delta 8 and I keep the packaging in the console of my car. Who knows if that's even effective if somehow my cartridge was found, especially if it's some rube rural Texas cop. You're spot on about the insane penalties for concentrates and how few people, adults included, even know it's treated differently than the flower weed at all. A couple years ago I was on a road trip with this chick I was seeing when she busted out her dab pen in the car. I had to inform her that I'm not down with risking a felony charge or prison term. She had no idea and had been using it in her car all the time. I fucking hate the rural bumpkins of this state so much. Their weedtotaling makes even less sense when you consider most of these bastards live out in the middle of nowhere away from society. How does recreational weed affect them at all? But conservatives love banning shit for other people that doesn't personally affect them at all. They're just all about small government I guess 🙄.
  17. They can't even figure it out down at the station though. It takes months and months to get the crime lab results back, and people have this shit hanging over them that whole time.
  18. Yeah, nothing she said was prejudicial. I've seen pearl clutching about her "hinting" they recommended charges against dotard. What she said about whether they recommended charges against him is ambiguous as fuck. It can truly be interpreted either way. My favorite freak out about her though pertains to her mentioning that the DA office had an ice cream social for the jurors. As if the jurors getting a free popcicle could've influenced what they recommended. The idea that Willis was attempting to influence their recommendation, which isn't necessary to get an indictment, with treats is truly hilarious. I agree though that everyone would've been be better off if the weirdo hadn't given these pointless, unenlightening interviews.
  19. Texas high schoolers caught with legal delta 8 vape pens sold at gas stations are getting arrested because the cops can't determine whether the juice contains the legal or illegal form of THC. When in doubt about whether a teenager's conduct is even illegal, I reckon it's always best to arrest them, suspend them from school, and generally try to fuck up their lives with a felony charge. Possible cause is the new probable cause in Texas. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/02/22/texas-delta-8-marijuana-hemp-arrests/
  20. She could be Sydney Powell herself, and even if the entire rest of the panel was equally as crazy, it wouldn't mean anything as far as whether dotard gets indicted. The charging recommendation (for or against) of this kind of grand jury, like that of the J6 committee, doesn't really do anything.
  21. This particular chick really has no impact on our republic, at least as far as this grand jury goes. She has some really weird mannerisms, but what did she say that was foolish?
  22. Is this happening in situations other than where the plaintiff is a public official and fails to plead malice?
  23. The latter gets there, although it's not essential that they did it to benefit themselves. How they felt about it potentially hurting Dominion is also irrelevant. Dominion has to prove it was false and Fox knew it was false or they recklessly disregarded whether it was true or false, and Dominion was damaged as a result. The term "malice" is a bit of a misnomer.
  24. This is some legit nazi shit right here. I'm sure he feels the same way about the disabled, the poor, etc. It would've been super fucked up even if he didn't hideously frame it as a benefit to society but merely noted the reduced cost. Ah thanks, I had quit using it.
  25. Cliffs or copypasta would be appreciated.
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