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Hookah Horns

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Everything posted by Hookah Horns

  1. Asked whether the jurors had recommended indicting Mr. Trump, Ms. Kohrs gave a cryptic answer: “You’re not going to be shocked. It’s not rocket science,” adding “you won’t be too surprised.” Christ on a bike, lady.
  2. Trump would've gone to war torn Ukraine too. It would've been to meet with Putin though.
  3. Hmm, no, wildcat is right. All of that shit seemed really obvious to a lot of us going back a long way. Brisket is our tribe's guru, but he was far from the only one who saw it. One's been able to set their watch to MAGA taking the most nefarious, ignorant, and norm destroying tack in any situation for at least 4 years now.
  4. This is why people delude themselves that the afterlife or reincarnation is real. We need to believe Donnie loses in the end, because if Jesus loved us he would.
  5. I have no doubt they have/will suffer(ed) and can prove a high dollar amount of damages. Hundreds of millions. North of a billion dollars, though? We'll see.
  6. I very much doubt their damage model will hold up. What are the chances they get a big punitive award?
  7. Is anyone here in St Louis? If so let me know your fee for receiving a mailed supply of my piss and dumping it on his grave.
  8. I dunno, if it's severe enough for a hospital visit, it doesn't sound like a small thing to me.
  9. It's unbelievable this ignorant hateful shit gets pumped out to so many millions of people on a daily basis. I can't wait to piss on Rupert Murdoch's grave.
  10. You'd think at this point the engineers will just inflate the shit out of his impressions or whatever the fuck. I really hope they don't, though.
  11. Lolz at committing federal felonies for 200 bucks. And the flagrant hypocrisy. Fucking moron. Hopefully his widow finds someone with a few brain cells to help raise those kids.
  12. The book says he claimed she did. Who's blown Trump is probably the last topic on which I'd put any faith in that loser's word.
  13. A lot of the same people who cry about Babbit probably think the rednecks who killed Ahmaud Arbery for walking while black were heroes. BTW, everyone knows their local cop is a good dong near.
  14. No, you see, she was actually crawling through the broken window to stop other people from crawling through the broken window.
  15. The best part is when the Rs blame the "Democrat run cities" for violence while they do shit like this.
  16. From what I saw, they said they weren't aware of it happening, which of course isn't the same thing as saying it didn't happen. I haven't been following this bullshit story much either, but my understanding is Elon had his minions release an internal Twitter email saying the Biden campaign made the request. If that's accurate, then either the request happened or whatever twitter employee wrote that email made it up. The campaign making the request seems more likely between those two. But either way, I don't care at all.
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