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Hookah Horns

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Everything posted by Hookah Horns

  1. I don't think we need to limit it to recent memory. MAGA/Freedom Caucus is the worst faction of all time.
  2. This is just fucking amazing. This whole story. It feels like there's going to be increasingly insane revelations about this freak on the reg for the next two years. Considering where we're already at, I can't imagine what will be coming out down the road.
  3. Everytime I think deviance has been defined down as low as it can go, the Republican Party pulls another rabbit out of the hat.
  4. I don't think they're capable of feeling shame. (Exhibit A is wearing a blue Hawaiian shirt above). Especially not when they have their echo chambers to reassure them of their righteousness.
  5. Kudos to Gary for finding a way to make Trump look even fatter.
  6. Haha same here. I actually got arrested by APD for jaywalking. What a world.
  7. First thought I had as well. And it was obvious when he started blathering about "servicing GPs and LPs" that he had no idea what he was talking about. Or he was referring to blowing them.
  8. Rehab for what and why? The affidavit says alcohol wasn't involved. I'm no PR wizard but I'm pretty sure your problem needs to involve substance abuse for rehab to help.
  9. A lawyer at the scene wouldn't have changed shit. Except maybe Beard bluffing about the recording. Also the wait to get bailed out was due to the fact that bail has to be set first. Your lawyer isn't getting you out of jail as soon as you get booked just because he's gotten a head start.
  10. He's not gonna get indicted. Certainly not after he announces he's running for prez.
  11. Rural Texas would be totally worthless but for the oil. So much white trash.
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