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Everything posted by Tailleur17

  1. Will be fun to watch him and Rory square off again tomorrow.
  2. How can you root for this guy? I honestly don’t understand.
  3. Lol. Conditions aren’t going to be anything like this tomorrow. We’ll see.
  4. Lucky fucker. That shoulda been wet for sure.
  5. He’s a huge douche. Impossible to root for.
  6. Just doesn’t have it. Perfect scoring conditions and he’s making bogeys while everyone else is going low.
  7. Please stfu and show golf.
  8. CBS coverage is so brutal. Shut the fuck up, Nantz.
  9. Spieth better get going or he’s gonna get left in the dust quickly.
  10. Jesus that wasn’t even close.
  11. Patrick Reed seems like a huge asshole. Hope he shoots 78 today.
  12. You minivan guys are making me reconsider having any kids at all. That sounds horrible.
  13. Tornado warning E of aggyville. Heading towards Conroe/Woodlands area.
  14. Wouldn’t go to a game at DKR if you paid me these days. Much more fun at my house or at a bar.
  15. Looks like rain all day tomorrow.
  16. whats up with my avatar? looks good to me
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