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Certifiably Surly
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About swraith

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  1. Any rumors on what her plans are in 2025 when she leaves the House?
  2. This should all just be put on repeat. Over and over. Imagine Harris replaces Biden and then does poorly in the spotlight.
  3. I don't expect any material number of citizens to watch this debate, if they aren't already politically engaged. That said, I expect material from the debate to feed all kinds of soundbite videos for social media. I don't see any real possible "upsides" for the Biden campaign coming out of this debate.
  4. That is $13k per student enrolled. That doesn't seem out of line.
  5. I'm not shedding any tears for car dealerships. They can "figure it out" for a couple of days or even a week if needed.
  6. This slow but long rain, it’s amazing.
  7. I'm just along for the entertainment of watching GME. I have no interest in participating.
  8. https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/lcra-scales-back-drought-response-as-lake-levels-rise/ar-BB1nyNWs Nice to see the lake levels rising in May
  9. I would nope on out of Austin for the next 120+ days if I could get away with it.
  10. Any reports on how Gessner area just north of I10 fared?
  11. I'm pleasantly surprised and pleased to see first illegal dam being dismantled. Landowners are going to have to raise their level of vigilance on these kinds of illegal acts going forward.
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