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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by THUJONE

  1. I've been really surprised with his velocity and quick decision making. Could be really special.
  2. Whitt had a TD if he just cut the other way lol. But he's been nails.
  3. Our OL still with those old habits. Jesus. Of Course the ULL D line is good.
  4. How much did they each get? Like 10k right? What is the quid pro quo? Does there even have to be one?
  5. Not bad for a 3 foot 9 inch former truck stop shower room attendant.
  6. Amazing. I think the line was tOSU -14
  7. I hate Day but that was the exact correct play call.
  8. I have faith that Stroud can begin sucking again.
  9. Yeah they were passing well and now turtling with second string JAG rb
  10. If the achilles is in your knee, you're right.
  11. That poor kid is done for the year.
  12. His achilles blew. Jonathan grey injury.
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