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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by THUJONE

  1. Oh that suuuuuucks. Minn o-line collapsed like a paper sack.
  2. Dylan Haines playing safety out there for Minnesota.
  3. Bro. The D is smoking these dickweeds.
  4. OSU has been holding worse than OU
  5. Wow that was lucky. Stroud still sucks.
  6. Urgency from Stroud = overthrow and pick.
  7. Love the way Minn is trying to gut OSU now. Love it.
  8. Wow. Wow. wow. Ohio D is getting tired. Not looking good for those dipshits.
  9. Shouldn't Ewers be a senior? Is this the first time someone has played D1 college football during what should be their senior year in high school?
  10. Full buy in here at least until the first false start. Let's do this.
  11. Love Joel Klatt. This is really good if you ignore Chip, who comes across as a rock biter. Luckily Klatt does most of the talking.


    I was pulling for Casey no doubt and I think Card is going to take some dick punches. That said, there is one reason to think that he won't be feeling quite the pressure that another RS Freshman would in similar circumstances and that is the presence of a Bijan. That ULL squad is absolutely not going to be able to just tee off on Card with Bijan there. And I guarantee you that Sark will have the quick out passes, tosses to Bijan ready to go as a counter to any pressure ULL tries to bring to shake Card off his game. ULL gets burnt a few times and they'll back off.
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