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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by THUJONE



    I'm stunned. I'm pissed. It's Charles Wright.
  2. Maalik has a cannon and a lightning quick release. I'm not sure why so many are down on him.
  3. If Casey portals after camp (which would not be smart, obvi) then we are triple fucked if Hudson gets hurt or sucks. Hate.
  4. Hey at least it's not Herman deciding to split Garrett fucking Grey out wide for an entire game.
  5. I'm not lying: it is full of dicks. And there may even be a few on the cover.
  6. Whittington out until the season is bad. He's not going to make it through the season, guys.
  7. Drove through rockies for a little road trip. Housing in all the destination places is so expensive that there are no workers. Time to start paying people real money, motherfuckers.
  8. Hey guys, my second novel, STRINGERS, is available for pre-order now. It's a SF comedy. And you guys will be super happy to know it is full of dicks. Placeholder cover right now, final to come soon. https://www.amazon.com/Stringers-Chris-Panatier/dp/0857669621/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1629303180&sr=1-1
  9. Aggies are mush mouthed fuckups so they put Rs in words where they don't belong. Furk. Birtch. SRC.
  10. Spring steel is ideal for sword forging.
  11. Like I said a few weeks ago, I think we are going to surprise fuck people up this year. I think the D will be a pleasant surprise and I think the three Rs in the backfield are going to be very tough to stop. Bama Robinson seems like a total steal for us.
  12. This lol. We have a brand new staff with dick on the field to show for it yet. Of course we're behind. We've been a shitshow for a decade. Aggy is coming off of what, 7-1? These kids don't have the entire history. They know we've sucked for nearly their entire remembered lives. Aggy has sucked for a lot of it but not recently in their eyes. And that sucks. We have to win.
  13. Ewers already looks like John Daly at 40. Do not want.
  14. Someone put it on SEC rant and those rock biters claim to hate it for the most part. Probably bc it doesn't suck them off enough. I love the way we are entering the SEC. Unlike Aggie who wants to rub dicks and talk about brotherhood, we're there to play in good games and hopefully win a bunch. It's the best conference (especially now) but that's it. Fuck Aggie, fuck OU, fuck the SEC.


    This was truly the greatest mixed media presentation of art of all time. The bending of the dong that they guy eats is so legit.
  16. *I have returned from my slumber. And before anyone says shit about the fact that I have obviously moved on from my original medium, just know that if I had to finger bang a touch pad one more time, I was never doing this again. So with that said, enjoy the show, you degenerates.
  17. *I have returned from my slumber. And before anyone says shit about the fact that I have obviously moved on from my original medium, just know that if I had to finger bang a touch pad one more time, I was never doing this again. So with that said, enjoy the show, you degenerates.


    Soon. When the story is in the books mate.
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