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Everything posted by TeeDubya

  1. But seriously, in the unlikely event she is the nominee, how much will her being a woman, with a foreigner-brown people name keep the dumb-ass MAGAts from even voting?
  2. Surly level (CR) conversation with dead Russian soldier...
  3. Bradley IFV working over a Russian T-90.
  4. Damn, that's the Mt. Rushmore of incredibly punchable faces. Clarence Thomas or Roger Stone for the 4th slot?
  5. Hey @Francisco 2.0, you got a regular Epstein forecast up there Sunday and Monday.... (sliding into the teens).
  6. Brown man gonna take all my money and my trophy wife too.
  7. Gallows. Like every other country would've already done by now.
  8. There is NO OTHER COUNTRY that wouldn't execute these people publically.
  9. Whelp, 2024 is off to an unexpected start...
  10. TeeDubya


    Die, you broke, stanky, bigoted cunt.
  11. Yep, the incredibly powerful drive to sort and classify ourselves into the most superior group, usually by dehumanizing others rather than edifying ourselves.
  12. I hope at least it's in the Fayetteville area. It's nice. (and God help you in SE OK)
  13. From your lips to the Electoral God's Baby Jesus ears..... please let it be so.
  14. Gee, what did the friendly drone drop?
  15. And its not just the south.... Dumbasses in all states continue to support and elect people who don't give two shits about them, their problems, or their success. But hey, those politicians deserve my vote for continually promising to lock down the border and keep the brown people away, who are here for our jobs, children, and ruin our love of the white, NRA-member Jesus.
  16. build a gallows in view of the Capitol, hang them all.
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