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Everything posted by TeeDubya

  1. Damn good points. I wonder if ONE of the big flaws in a primary system of picking a candidate is the extremes of the party are much more likely to be involved (voting and financially) than the vast, uninterested middle, and the more fringe the candidate, the more successful that candidate would be in the primary process.
  2. "I'd go to Mexico if they had Taco Bells on the street corners."
  3. I get so disillusioned at the blatant pandering the MAGA/GOP does to the bigoted, misogynistic, racist, undereducated people to stoke fear that brown-skinned, atheist, drag queens are after their kids and jobs. And @royiv, 100% fix the tax code loopholes that only mega rich and corporations seem to be able to use.
  4. small ell liberarian. Financially conservative, socially liberal (as in, the government shouldn't be legislating lifestyle choices---leave people the fuck alone). But in the big dilemma between raising taxes and not being a cruel bastard to disenfranchised groups, I'll side with kindness every time. And no tolerance for traitors like the MAGA group. We have more than enough money to make sure every school kid is fed, and fuck vouchers using public money for private schools.
  5. 18 U.S.C. § 922(d)(1) makes it a federal crime to sell a firearm to a person who is under felony indictment. 18 U.S.C. § 922(n) makes it a federal crime for a person under indictment to ship or transport a firearm.
  6. Storm shadow #3 (building already burning from #1 and #2) striking Russian Black Sea fleet HQ in Sevastopol. Broad daylight. Taking out those S400 batteries has opened Russian assets up in Crimea like never before.
  7. Whelp, need to ask them for advice on my bracket next spring, they seem pretty fucking good at predictions.
  8. Well damn, fuck me with Jimbo Fishers' micropeen then. I thought no human being could be such an asshole for realz.
  9. this guy is an amazing effective Twitter/X troll. That guy draws people offside better than three year letterman.
  10. https://x.com/sammorril/status/1697004901539147931?
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