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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Macklemore

  1. Nabers is so damn explosive. LSU is WRU.
  2. The McAfee broadcast is awesome. Best option for football nerds with humor. Ridiculous that the 🐐did not get a coaching job this offseason. He is still elite. Just needs a good GM to pair with him.
  3. Just switched. Agree the best coverage. Belichick is surprisingly awesome on TV.
  4. Daniels is going to be very good. Just needs to protect himself because he got hit hard a lot last season.
  5. I’m flipping between ESPN and NFLN. I think ESPN is better.
  6. I want one in Houston. Have it downtown on Discovery Green.
  7. What’s your hang up with masked protestors? Doxxing and character assassination of pro-Palestine protestors by pro-Israel groups is a very well documented tactic. I don’t think it’s unreasonable at all to mask up so that one’s life is not ruined by an outfit like Canary Mission or to be put on a hiring backlist.
  8. We’re not a serious franchise anymore with this first base play.
  9. Persians are not Semitic.
  10. Firing Espada before Memorial Day has to be on the table if we continue to play like this. Right?
  11. Cubs crush a HR with the wind blowing in like crazy. I fucking hate this season.
  12. What a fucking shitshow. Fuck you Abbott and fuck Harztell for setting this is motion. Huge embarrassment.
  13. America Last Abbott’s shocktroops cracking heads on the 40 Acres. Disgusting.
  14. Yes. That’s AIPAC’s marching orders now.
  15. Wrong April 24, 2024, 5:15 p.m. ET49 minutes ago 49 minutes ago J. David Goodman A spokeswoman for the Texas Department of Public Safety said at least 20 people have been arrested on the campus of the University of Texas at Austin. Image
  16. 20 people and counting have been arrested by Hotwheels Israel First stormtroopers https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/04/24/us/columbia-protests-mike-johnson/46ef8f67-5732-53b1-9aea-124f97686e5f?smid=url-share
  17. 20 people have been arrested so for by our Israel First governor’s shock troops. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/04/24/us/columbia-protests-mike-johnson/46ef8f67-5732-53b1-9aea-124f97686e5f?smid=url-share
  18. Anti-semitism is the excuse to curtail 1st Amendment rights in Texas. Fuck Hotwheels and fuck AIPAC.
  19. More excuses from our joke of a GM. Trying to deflect from the crappy job he did during the offseason.
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