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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Macklemore

  1. Cougar High looks like a Final Four team. If they can shoot like today in the Tournament they can win it all.
  2. He was pissed at the players at the end of his bench getting Teed up
  3. Pretty good get for Halal Guys to get UT, LSU, Cougar High and aggy to all play in Htown.
  4. Case is going to start on Sunday against the Titans. Good move. We have a better chance of winning with Case over Davis Mills. Still scarred from watching his awful play last season.
  5. Come on let’s close this 4th qtr out and get the W. Brooks is playing well in his first game back in Memphis.
  6. She graduated from UT in 2017 which would make her Gen Z, which is even worse than being millennial. You can tell by her shrill, ill-informed takes which she attempted to walk back by pulling the lame “mental health” card. Pure Gen Z bullshit. If she wanted to talk shit like a normal fan, she should have made a separate burner Twitter handle. She has a history of creating drama with the teams she is covering. That should have been a huge red flag for the Chronicle. They should pull her offer after seeing how immaturely she has handled things and cynically and falsely using suicidal ideation and mental health as a reason to nuke her Twitter account. The Chronicle recently removed the ability to comment on articles. The only avenue for public engagement left with Chronicle staff is on Twitter
  7. She is absolutely pathetic. Pulling the fake suicidal ideation card to get people to feel sorry for her then nuking her Twitter account for “mental health” reasons. Embarrassing to see from a UT grad. This was the First Take segment about her unprofessional exchange with Brian Kelly.
  8. Even though she is a Horn, this new writer covering the Astros fucking sucks. I hope Altuve freezes her out all season.
  9. Jalen playing like trash. He is getting close to bust territory. Not having the expected 3rd year jump. Bench Green for Tari and call up Cam.
  10. That describes what Facebook is now more than Twitter. Holy hell Facebook feeds are terrible now. Might see 1 or 2 posts from friends and the rest are just suggested articles and ads.
  11. River Oaks could survive Shejack but the middle class neighborhoods would suffer. Currently, Houston has a good mix of middle class neighborhoods. An average middle class professional moving to the Detroit, Memphis, Atlanta or St Louis metros would never consider living in city limits because of the decay and shitty schools. Thankfully, that’s not the case with Houston. Don’t want to see a hollowed out city with one rich island surrounded by a sea of shit. People would start giving up on Houston as a city with Shejack leading it and we’d be on the path that destroyed the cities listed above.
  12. No knock on what you do for a living. I have a lot of respect and love for the restaurant industry. It’s just a little weird that you’re plying your schtick here on a UT message board when you have no ties to our alma mater or association with any of our rivals or any college whatsoever.
  13. All of the growth in the Atlanta metro is outside the city limits. Atlanta was so poorly run and crime ridden that Buckhead, its richest and best neighborhood, had a secession movement that was only stopped because of the state legislature. I rather Houston not follow Atlanta’s lead.
  14. Agreed. The guy is a middle aged waiter in NYC with no ties to UT and pollutes the basketball and baseball with this shit.
  15. Atlanta was able to renovate their arena recently that was built in the 90s for less than half of what the bloodsucking ownership OKC are asking the public to pay. OKC owners are only putting $50 million of their own money while leaching the taxpayers for $900 million. Toyota Center was built in 2003 and, thankfully, not a word from the Rockets about needing a new arena. The Rockets and the city have upgraded and renovated the arena over the years to keep it up to date. They added new LED ribbon boards this season and for next season they’ll have a new center hanging scoreboard and video screens. Having a reserve for renovations to keep your stadium up to date is the only responsible way to manage these type of assets so you don’t have an OKC waste of taxpayer funds.
  16. Dogshit display of basketball by both teams tonight. The NBA needs to move the 3 point line back to what it was in the 90s. Both teams continue to jack up 3s when they’re shooting less than 10%, which is a joke. If you move the 3 point line back, fewer players would have the green light they have now and would encourage better playmaking.
  17. This is an embarrassing display of basketball by both teams. Stop shooting 3s.
  18. What the hell is wrong with their current arena? It was built in 2002. If you don’t get 30 years out of a stadium you’re doing something wrong. Can’t they just renovate it?
  19. They got arrancini! Now that’s a tailgate. Tony Soprano would love DeVito. Too bad he is a Giant because Tony was a Jets fan.
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