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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Macklemore

  1. His game tonight really pissed me off. He is unplayable at the end of a close game with his stupid turnovers and crappy shot selection. I’m done. Get what you can for him at the deadline.
  2. Love it, Landry is giving zero fucks about going after Pancakes for being a two-faced bitch:
  3. OTA is the best, uncompressed picture quality available bar none. For traditional Pay-TV providers, DirecTV satellite is the best all around for picture quality and 4K programming.
  4. Andre was definitely an Oilers fan and seeing the Titan punks wearing our unis affected him emotionally like it did the rest of us. He was a frequent guest on Warren Moon’s weekly TV show on KHOU during his Heisman Trophy winning season.
  5. That’s fucking sick. The Oilers were my first love. I was a teenager during the Glanville/Run-N-Shoot years and my family had season tickets. I fucking loved going to Oilers games in the Dome. I still have a stack of Randall’s columbia blue and white pom-pons they handed out at games in my room at my parents’ home. I was heartbroken when they left. The love you develop for a team when you’re a kid is special and can’t be replicated when you get older. That’s why the Astros winning the WS in 2017 meant so much to us. The Texans thumbed their nose at Htown for years by passing on VY and with all the crap they pulled during the horrid BOB/Easterby era. Today the Texans stamped themselves as Houston’s fucking team once and for all and damn do I feel a love and appreciation for them today in a way that didn’t exist before. So proud of the Texans today. Case Keenum is an Htown legend and will never have to buy a drink for the rest of his life.
  6. One of the biggest wins in franchise history. Case with his legs extending the play to get the big pass play to Singletary is EXACTLY why you start him this game over Mills. Mills could never pull that off.
  7. Must be bad. They didn’t show the replay
  8. We need 15 yards for a shot at a FG
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