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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Macklemore

  1. Assert our physical dominance. Run the ball down their throat
  2. I don’t know anything about the group behind those commercials. If his issue was with the group he should have been more specific but then that would detract from him getting a cheap shot in at Jesus
  3. Pretty impressed with his response. It’s almost like he had crisis management team ready to go on retainer.
  4. Thanks for posting on this thread so that we can return the favor of giving you an unwarranted neg that you so freely give to everyone you disagree with.
  5. They are multiplying and have infested the Fiesta Bowl thread as well.
  6. You’re an asshole for going after a guy who coached a kid he is excited to see play in a NY6 game because of the politics of the school that neither Hulk nor the player has any control over. Fuck you. Stay in the CR loser.
  7. I don’t bring politics to sports discussions asshole. Stay in the CR with Penelope loser
  8. Ban this asshole for bringing this shit to the football board
  9. You can thank Hannah for improvement in halftime shows this year and appreciation shown for H-town rap. Yes
  10. That was a dumb unnecessary roughness call on Desmond King
  11. Jerry is coming to see us in the Sugar Bowl on Monday right? That was his grandson in the box right?
  12. Pre-snap penalty plague strikes again
  13. The guy is a born winner. Shocking he is aggy
  14. The Fritos commercial shot at the 6666 Ranch with Sam Elliott voiceover is the best damn commercial of the year and best chip commercial of all time. Right up there with Sam Elliott Coors Banquet commercials. It’s perfect and oozes real Texas culture.
  15. Now the SEC is a conference to be proud of with peer academic institutions, football teams and fan bases that are our equal. Props to Kirby and his players for what they did today. No one will ever question the credentials of a 1-loss SEC champion or runner up being unworthy in comparison to an undefeated ACC team. Every team in the SEC needs to send Kirby and UGA players a gift basket. I can’t wait until we are officially a member in July 2024 and have our beloved Longhorn logo included below. It just means more in the SEC.
  16. Starting next year, you’ll start to see a few bowls fall by the wasteside. All of the NY6 will be under the CFP halo. After that the Mayo, Texas, Alamo, Tony the Tiger Sun and Music City Bowls will be the clear elite tier below and they’ll survive. The others will be on life support until the plug is pulled by ESPN.
  17. Underrated line and gif from an all time classic. Pos rep.
  18. I love seeing Georgia mudhole FSU. So proud in fact that I’m chanting SEC! SEC! SEC! everytime UGA scores. It just means more in the SEC.
  19. Will the Texas Bowl be a host in the 12 team playoff? It’s the become the best non NY6 bowl with the highest attendance
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