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Herbie Hancock

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Posts posted by Herbie Hancock

  1. I’m pretty sure the B1’s headed that way this time last week. 317th AW and 7th BW personnel began mobilizing early last week.

    What I just saw says we flew B1’s direct from here.

    Interesting because a few weeks ago a B1 from Ellsworth crashed while trying to land in poor weather. Then, last week someone I know that is close with the 317th AW/ 7th BW alluded to being on the move, and has subsequently went dark on all social media platforms. Almost simultaneously, a group of B1’s from Ellsworth showed up at Dyess to begin dissecting and “learning” from the crash earlier this month. Mom and dad live in a flight path that routinely has C-130’s and B1’s flying overhead during the day, but for the last week there has been a lot of activity at night/early morning.

    This could all be coincidence, but it’s very odd.
    • Hook 'Em 3
  2. I see that Lufkin is in a district with Joshua, Highland Park and Burleson?!! Two of those are 205 miles away one-way and HP is close to 185 miles one-way. 

    That’s cute. Abilene has made 180 miles to Odessa for decades now and now will go 170 to Lubbock and 270 to Amarillo.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. This is off topic, but nobody is offing themselves with helium.

    They take a bucket to their car and dump some lime-sulfur in it, then dump a jug of Muriatic acid in the jug and shut the door. Takes at most a couple minutes and the H2S rises to toxic levels. Not the way I would choose as it’s very violent and unpleasant, but to each their own I suppose.

  4. After I got vaccinated for COVID, every time I farted the garage door opened.

    When someone uses the microwave do you pee your pants and forget who you are for a half hour?
    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. Any infection can turn into sepsis, but most commonly it is a bacterial infection that does and not viral. If the kid has an infection in his blood he has sepsis (septicemia). Sepsis is bad, but it’s very treatable. Kids are incredibly resilient so as long as he hasn’t gone into septic shock I wouldn’t be overly worried. Little guy could use some good vibes/thoughts and prayers to whatever deity you observe.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  6. This makes me laugh. Not because I find it humorous, but because I can relate. When I was buying my own place my wife (city girl) wanted cows to get our ag exemption. I told her there are easier and cheaper ways to do that than cows. She didn’t grow up with livestock around so she didn’t understand. This is reason #731 why ranchin’ ain’t fun.

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