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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by 4th_and_18

  1. Got my 2nd Pfizer dose on 1/22.  Knocked me down pretty good the entire next day, but was back to normal after 36 hours. Just happy to have them both in me.

    Just double checked my appointment. I’m actually scheduled 2/5. Which means I’ll have the weekend to rest/recover. Was it fatigue, body aches, alien crawling out of chest?
  2. So we can't just have smaller investors aggregate efforts and capital to steer certain single-issue stocks in a long direction?  
    So what the fuck is a pension fund then?  

    A pyramid scheme? One that hopes enough olds die and enough youth joins to support the few olds that live.
  3. I've never seen/heard of Citizen App before, but apparently it's an attempt to crowdsource shit in a more logical manner - rather than reading a bunch of tweets, etc. that can jump around in time and location, it tries to organize it in a timeline of sorts.

    I’ve liked it for shit very close to home. Often these things don’t show up in news because they don’t affect enough people.
  4. Siap
    Can someone explain the Veterans Affairs reported deaths from COVID? Is that from those in full time VA care? Retirement communities, mental health institutions, assisted living facilities? Does it also include any veteran who shows up to a VA hospital, admits, and then dies from COVID? Does it include veterans who admit to a non VA hospital and die from COVID? We’re nearing 9000 deaths reported by Veterans Affairs. I’m just curious if that is out of the 40,000 (from VA website) full time residents in VA facilities or including any veteran at any hospital/care facility. Difference would be 9,000/40,000 or 9,000 out of 4.5 million veterans.

    Yeah, I just don't understand the continued idea that we're not going to be back to (fairly) normal very soon. Just back of the napkin math:
    Right now a conservative estimate is 100 million with existing immunity via having had the virus. 
    1 million vaccines a day. Accounting for the vaccine being 90% effective, and accounting for ~30% of vaccinations being "wasted" on people who already have immunity, that means every day we add about 630,000 new immune people.  At that rate, by April 1st, 65% of Americans over the age of 18 will have immunity. If we increase our output to 1.5 million per day which is not only doable but probably lowballing it some, that number is 74% of adults. These estimates are likely on the low side of reality, because they're also not accounting for new cases between now and April 1 which would be a few million more.
    By April 1st, here's what things are going to look like:
    - 2/3 of adults in America have Covid immunity
    - Almost every senior citizen (who wants it) vaccinated. Everybody with risk factors who wants it vaccinated
    - Hospital admissions are going to be almost rock bottom, onesy-twosy type stuff.
    - Deaths are going to be the same way. Near-zero regionally.
    - The weather will be warmed up which helps transmission
    If ya'll think we're not opening up basically fully at that point, ya'll are insane. Memorial Day is going to be the biggest party weekend our country has seen in a long time.

    Isn’t 100,000,000 worldwide? Maybe I’m misunderstanding but switching from worldwide stats to America only vaccination rates is confusing me.
  6. SIAP but is the Chief going to preside over this impeachment trial?

    From USA Today:
    Another question that could affect the trial is whether Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts presides. Though the Constitution dictates Roberts would preside over an impeachment trial of a president, as he did during Trump's first trial, it doesn't address the case of a former president – another question that has left constitutional scholars divided.
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