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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by 4th_and_18

  1. And most Parisa recipes have a little citric acid involved to “cook” the meat. 

    Don’t tell Jess Pryles that. She insists her citrus-free recipe in her book is the ONLY recipe used in the castroville/hondo area. She had so much going for her...as much as a fake Texan could anyways.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. Can I get a ruling on re-freezing game meat.  I have a bunch that I don't particularly feel like processing further at the moment.  All deboned and everything.  Can I freeze and then thaw when I want to get around to making some sausage and then refreeze without any problems.  I think that I read somewhere that you can freeze-thaw-refreeze without any issues as long as you change the "form" of the meat...example, blending and stuffing sausage. We're not talking steaks or anything here, this would all go into chili grind or sausage. 

    I do this every year. I trim, freeze, and process when all tags are filled.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. Sorry guys, sounds like the decision was made last night, ole Herman is keeping his job. Directly from a BMD. Too much $$$ to pay out to existing staff & new hires with the current state of the athletic dept revenue is basically what it comes down to.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Money was never an issue and won’t be even if someone uses that excuse later. It’s an easy out instead of “he thought our fan base is full of spoiled big egos who won’t let the water come to a boil before throwing it out and starting over while bitching the coffee is never ready.”
  4. Congrats to the brand/team.. no mention of the coach... Once again a great place that could signal a vote of confidence for Herman, and yet nothing...

    It’s the same way he congratulates every win football or not. I scrolled through his Twitter feed. Consistent. I don’t see much in the latest post.
  5. You don't really need a bagman at Texas do you? Need development and good coaching no?

    Especially next year when players can be paid for use of their likeness. “We have a car dealership that wants to put a cardboard likeness of your in their dealership and they’ll play you $100,000. You in? It’s called longhorn foundation Ford. No relation.”
    • Haha 1
  6. Not to derail, but this plane has my interest. Took a trip from St. Augustine, FL to Austin on Saturday before going over to Los Angeles later that day (specifically to Van Nuys, which is ~15 miles from Fox's studio/Hollywood and known as a go-to airport for celebrities and other discreet travelers). It's scheduled to fly back to Austin tonight. 
    That plane is "blocked," meaning its tail number, owner, etc. are hidden from the public on FlightAware. It's a Dassault Falcon 900 though, which is a $3.5MM+ jet that isn't produced in Camry-like numbers -- the FAA registry shows there are roughly 45 of them registered to TX-based owners (number drops to about 25 total if you only include those in the "blocked" category).
    Just cherry picking, but one of those blocked F900s is owned by Cardinal Capital Partners, a real estate PE shop in Dallas founded/led by a UT alumnus of the name Gil Besing. Another is owned by a company called Green Longhorn Air LLC. I'm sure some BMDs could probably be unearthed using the FAA registry and Google if one were so inclined. 

    UT does business with Jet Linx. Doesn’t have to be a donor’s plane.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. Soooo this AstraZeneca news doesn’t sound promising to a dipshit such as myself. Anybody wanna shed some light on the situation given that most of the free world has hung its hat on it.

    From what I understand Astrazeneca did not use the same stabilized S2P protein (UT Austin) which has resulted in much higher effectiveness in the other vaccines. The AstraZeneca vaccine uses a spike protein from the next closest chimpanzee coronavirus and triggers an immune response to fight other coronaviruses. It is not as effective as the stabilized SP2 which is a closer match. I say closer because multiple mutations have already been identified. The UT Austin lab has already developed a vaccine candidate for an already identified mutation which means the “next” vaccine may be rapidly tested, approved, and produced.

    I am not a doctor and did not stay at a holiday inn express last night.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. How does he make money in that situation? If the answer is he doesn’t then there’s now at this is happening. More likely he sets it up at a golf course he owns that has a hotel on site and he can make money for years to come. Or maybe in Trump tower so that his building has additional security forever paid by taxpayers. Elevators maintained by the taxpayers. Lobby and gift shop paid by taxpayers. Yep. That’s more like trump.

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