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Had Enough

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Posts posted by Had Enough

  1. From 2000 to 2009 Mack went 4-6 against the gooners bud. Including scoring 0 once with Vince and giving up 6 TD’s to that little midget bastard fuck face shit hook mother fucker quentin griffin in the worst loss in rivalry history. All I’m getting at is we just need to beat peoples asses on the football field…a lot of people’s asses…over and over again. Then like the great shooter mcgavin said “I didn’t pay attention because I was to busy winning.” 

    I did say pre-2005 and dominating the rest of the decade. Not necessarily OU but we were a top program nationally from 2004 to 2009.

    Yes, beat everyone soundly and repeatedly but that won’t matter. It’s still going to happen and often.
  2. I think this is CFB's Curt Flood moment, with purists lamenting that they somehow wont enjoy watching the game anymore because of the improved financial situation of the players (weird)
    But the game will go on

    I’d say chances are good I’ll give up my season tickets of 25 years in the next few years. In part because of this but other factors as well.

    Now I do get a reduction to an extent for my loyalty. What I haven’t gotten is a refund for a crappy product when I eat a ticket here or there. Parking has gone up. Obviously I’m no Phil knight. It ain’t costing $500 bucks either.

    Playing college sports is hard work no doubt. I’m in favor of adhering to time restrictions. I don’t believe in paying players under the table. Full cost of tuition sure, but I’m guessing that is inflated somewhat. Straight up buying dudes like Master Ps kid is a bit much. My guess is that it will help keep the portal alive and we’ll.

    So I’d say what’s weird is that no one gives a shit about a certain population of ticket paying fans. But you are right, the game will go on.
  3. They hit five home runs in seven games.

    And not that many scorching doubles either.

    It’s crap like this which I needlessly begin to dislike teams.

    It’s like some focker saying the top two guys in the order for MSU wore us out. No they didn’t.

    MSU played well enough to win. But they also had 3 1 run wins and got blown out once.
  4. yes I know that.  someone was saying that we should have figured out what the zone was that the umpires were calling.  I'm saying there never was a zone to figure out.

    Right here.

    And I’m sorry but you don’t swing at a pitch that’s on the chalk of the other batters box. 1) it isn’t close 2) you’re not going to do Jack with it 3) swinging at awful pitches screws up your swing.
  5. And what shitty little sec park would you be talking about???
    Lots of Fortunate? I can think of many ways this team has had it's back against the wall and fought back.. it's what makes them so special. 
    and you can point to those few plays and I can point to some others that went against us, such as in friday's game. 
    Either way. we settled it on the field for this season, and I sure as hell would welcome a home and home if our schools ever made it happen. 

    Per the internets, that’s your field dimensions. That’s a small field. Maybe not SEC-wise but that is to inflate numbers.

    Field size LF: 330 ft (100.6 m) LC: 376 ft (114.6 m) CF: 390 ft (118.9 m) RC: 374 ft (114.0 m) RF: 305 ft (93.0

    Point to some against. There will always be some of course, but I’d like to hear them.

    It’s hard to recall your good fortunes relative to Vandys. But I believe you had a weak ass grounder to short versus UVA to extend that inning. I’d challenge you to critical every one of your cws games and see the fortunate things that went your way. That is the way sports goes though. Even the freaking rain delay benefitted you in that Nixon was completely ruled out because of that.

    Good thing you aren’t allowed your artificial cheer and high school antics in baseball like you’ve had for football.

    I didn’t watch last night but the damn play by play indicates a Vandy shitshow.

    And the original comment was Horns win a best 2 of 3 series. We didn’t play that. But you are here and you have your chance.
  6. I'm sorry.. you can choose to believe that if you like. But I strongly disagree. We are both better than Vandy I believe. 

    Just remember you won Game 1 on a wind aided pop up. Y’all hit very few balls worth a shit in game 1. Maybe even fewer than us, and we barely put it in play. And game 3 was aided by a high chopper and a sun aided double. But kudos to your .235 hitter for making it happen after a two strike back foot HBP.

    And if we played in a shitty little sec park to inflate our numbers, we may have had half a dozen homers against you instead of the 3.

    You made the most of your chances. To this point.

    Be very thankful if you pull this off. Lots of fortunate moments for you.

  7. i’m looking for shade too given tons of basal cell work. what range of sections have that sweet spot of shade but not too stuffy?

    That’s a difficult one but I’d guess around row 60 to 70, section 1 thru 9 I’d say on the west side. Going from memory, I’d say there are 77 rows so I’d shoot for row 60-65. You might need to careful in sections 1 and 9 - just not sure when the upper deck ceases to cover the seats.

    One factor on section 1 is the angle of the Jumbotron if you like replays and such. Section 2 close to 3 works but not certain of the angle in section 1. But I think it’s curved with the new construction so maybe it’s better.

    My memory is a little foggy because we got moved slightly due to Covid so I don’t remember what game times affect the angle of the sun.

    I’d ask the rep at the Longhorn Foundation if they have any guidance. Let them know your concerns.
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  8. i’m looking for shade too given tons of basal cell work. what range of sections have that sweet spot of shade but not too stuffy?

    That’s a difficult one but I’d guess around row 60 to 70, section 1 thru 9 I’d say on the west side. Going from memory, I’d say there are 77 rows so I’d shoot for row 60-65. You might need to careful in sections 1 and 9 - just not sure when the upper deck ceases to cover the seats.

    One factor on section 1 is the angle of the Jumbotron if you like replays and such. Section 2 close to 3 works but not certain of the angle in section 1. But I think it’s curved with the new construction so maybe it’s better.

    My memory is a little foggy because we got moved slightly due to Covid so I don’t remember what game times affect the angle of the sun.

    I’d ask the rep at the Longhorn Foundation if they have any guidance. Let them know your concerns.
  9. I’ll just take one last opportunity to bitch about the umpiring. Shitty balls and strikes benefitted no one more so than Bednar. And consequently no one more so than MSU. We had more quality arms to absorb innings and play the additional game, but he was able to extend due to that garbage.

    In particular was Hodos at bat after Williams homer. Absolute bs strike 3 call that would have run it full. It wasn’t even close enough to swing. Keep in mind Hodo almost homered the next at bat. Hodo gets on and that pucker begins to approach a critical nature instead of a free out. But also, game 1 we were awful but he got multiple bs calls that were critical.

    Then I’m taking chosen posters word that MSU fans were punks. So to hell with em. Go Vandy you lucky shitbirds.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. Bunting is always controversial.
    It wasn't controversial with Garrido until the end stage, when no one could hit, making it a wasted out.  Garrido thought it was good team psych to ask the best hitter on the team to bunt, and he did it with some frequency.  It only became futile when the lineups were so completely devoid of hitting prowess.
    I don't know that Pierce holds to the same philosophy.  It kind of seems like he just does the standard bunt with man on first no outs.
    I think Pierce is more aware of our offensive struggles that Garrido was (weirdly), so it seems like until we get a pretty solid lineup, bunting should be the exception rather than the rule.

    I am not anti-bunt but it shouldn’t be automatic.

    When Hodo popped it up, he was moving them over for Faltine and Ardoin who have been terrible. Hodo damn near hit it out the prior at bat. That is as dumb as it gets. Daly had some good swings this game. I’d hit and run him in the 9th.

    From an offensive strategy standpoint Augie was not great. But he was seemingly less bunt in the postseason than regular while Pierce has seemingly been the opposite. While at Texas, Augies teams were largely pitching and defense. Majewski was incredible with RISP. There were other great players but really half of Augies tenure had mediocre offense. I’d assume that philosophy chased one guy from Texas even though he had Big 12 player of the year potential. It’s also not commmon for someone to be a better big league hitter than college hitter - Belt. I do view the selfless nature of the 4hole hitter bunting as a positive
    • Hook 'Em 2
  11. Harping on Pierces coaching should largely focus on the bunts. We bunted 3 times. It resulted in nothing except 3 free outs. It saved Bednar and Sims pitches. It shortened the game for them.

    It was reasonable to leave Tristan in for the 6th. Maybe left him in a batter too long but that dude did not hit it well. He battled the first hitter well and wasn’t dominated by the next two. If he gets thru the 6th, Cole has a better chance of surviving that 9th.

    In the last 3 games, we could have created more separation to allow flexibility and use some arms that you don’t know what you’re getting. Too few key hits though. We gave up too many outs.

    Now last night he left Witt in way too long given his previous outing. But if he got out of that inning, we might have had Nixon tonight so running him back out was not the issue. It was leaving him in once he lost it. And we wouldn’t have had Quintanilla tonight if you ran him out there.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  12. Why would you test them if they're vaccinated?

    Because I want them gone and replaced with another crew that can’t call balls and strikes. It was a joke. Sorta.

    But devil’s advocate says why test NCState players that were vaccinated. Some will say they can still get it. Ok. So the Texas team could get it from hotel staff even though they’ve been vaccinated. You gotta draw the line somewhere I suppose.
  13. I think part of the point of still having testing/protocols is so that the self-interested players and coaches don't spread COVID to unvaccinated workers at Omaha hotels, restaurants, etc. The first group used "personal choice" not to be vaxed, the other group is rightly worried about getting fired for missing work, haven't been told how simple the vax process is, or simply can't afford to miss out on the paycheck if they get symptoms from the vaccine. 

    Those Omaha workers made the same decision as the players/coaches. Maybe it’s those persons who gave it to the NCState players.

    People that really want the vaccine have gotten it. Well except some kids.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. I think we can all agree the umps should be tested - vaccinated or not. Maybe we should assume they’re positive and get em out.

    Ultimately we are all accepting the risks here. That includes Vanderbilt players and staff of playing with and against unvaccinated players. They played a partial season knowing that no one or few were vaccinated. Tulowitzki still wears a face covering. Everyone is making risk based decisions.

    Now let’s assume all of Vandy is vaccinated. What’s the risk to them?

    I’m generally a rule follower, but these are rules that are inconsistent at best given the entirety of the circumstances.

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