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Certifiably Surly
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RomaVicta last won the day on July 15 2019

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  1. Careful what you wish for. Saying the quiet part out loud got him into the White House in 2016 and in command of the GOP.
  2. Can we knock this shit off, please? It's demeaning all the way around. And embarrassing.
  3. And I thought the couch fucking thing was getting worn out. Wrongo.
  4. Where have you gone, Phyllis Schlafly? Republicans turn their lonely eyes to you. Woo woo woo.
  5. The songs both sides have been singing for decades have become worn out and ring hollow. Dishonesty hollowed out the GOP songs and, evidently, gets them tuned out by most as soon as the intro starts. Basic out-of-touchness by the Dem leadership aged and hollowed their songs about the threat to medicare and the lukewarm statements about real, current problems such as climate, medical care, and being a good ally. (I hate the way the Dems never found a riposte for "the world is laughing at us." I'd love to see an ad quoting Trump over and over as we see him crowd the queen, toss a fellow head of state aside, get scolded by the European allies, salute a N. Korean general, and consult with fucking Vlad Putin.) One side found a new, vigorous voice that maintains Democratic themes but applies them enthusiastically to things people care about. This voice is bright, honest, and in-tune. The other sticks to the old formula which worked so well to drum up hard core support through shameless and dishonest hate mongering. The hate addicts are still down for it, but they're not getting as many people to try out the cult as they used to. You're right. The American people were tired of blah-blah-blah, but what was the alternative? Now there is one.
  6. She sounds politically smart, but she cleaves to the tired old songs that used to rouse the hate and disdain. Kamala's progressive. We're moving ahead and we're not going back. Good. Kamala failed on the border. Trump failed on the border and managed to fail on the border when he wasn't even in office. Kamala is against drilling and fracking. We're going to face the climate crisis. Good. Looking ahead. Kamala's more progressive than Joe Biden. True! The Republicans are regressive and how is that working? Good. It finally feels like someone smarter than me is running the campaign. It also feels like people smarter than me and better speakers are beginning to steal the show. It also feels like there may be a Democratic rebirth to pull the country out of this hideous spiral to fascism. Yes, we can! We're not going back! Obamala changes the country. Biden held off the barbarians maybe just long enough.
  7. I wonder if adopting language like "When they say DEI, we know what they mean." "We know what they mean when they say a woman didn't earn a position they covet. They mean that a woman can't." I thought earlier about, "When you hear DEI they're thinking n-word," but it's too direct. I like for the n-word reference to happen in the mind of the listener.
  8. A&M is an architectural eyesore bordered by a Anywhere, USA Boulevard. Feels sort of like an outlet mall.
  9. True Sad Sure Indeed Always Redundant Really? Insightful Apologistic Wise Adequate Nope
  10. She's sort of irresistable when she looks straight at your with a smile.
  11. I'm joining the neg fest, Sport. You will lie about your non-support of Trump. You will republish lies. You will not make a single good-faith argument. You're a bot, a Russian, or a particularly enthusiastic amateur operative. You're an embarrassment to the deplorables--well, I guess not since they will cheer you. You personify them.
  12. In one stroke, Trump is forced to the defensive and suddenly on the verge of becoming the laughing stock he should have been all along. I'm stunned. Harris is way too nimble for plodding Donald's lazy reliance on old attacks. He's looking foolish. And looking that way to a lot of people.
  13. Did anybody from Texas talk about this rivalry during SEC day? I know we talked about OU which is a big deal. I continually get the feeling that the SEC people go exclusively to Aggies to talk about our arrogance and expectation to run things on and off the field. A&M is an important game to us. It has nothing near the intensity of the OU game. It hurts them to think that. Weirdos
  14. Think of all the heroes the Aggies will celebrate for giving their lives to preserve the Aggie Spirit.
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