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  1. It's from the movie billy madison lol
  2. This thread has aids. Hard to tell the football board and recruiting board apart anymore
  3. Ole Joseph has to be here on surly somewhere, which one of you fuckers is Kirkpatrick?
  4. This is amazing. I have always wondered if I would live long enough to see aggy fall completely off their roller coaster haha. They have been a perennial 8-4 program most of my life but if they continue on this path there’s a good chance they become a 6-6 program which is fucking hilarious. If sark beats them like a drum next year they may just quit football all together hahaha.
  5. That’s a looch sock right? Holy shit, what a great time to be alive fellas!
  6. They are leaking like a sieve, anything to gain some "momentum" in recruiting. IMO
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