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Posts posted by WinningIsHard

  1. It took our beloved DKR 7 years to allow a black player to hit the field. We still name shit after him, steamboat if you think royal wasn’t a racist asshole then you’re dumb as shit. He did what he had to do at the time to stay successful. What’s the difference with Urban? NCAA lets schools cheat now, he wanted to win so he did what was necessary to win. Everybody has skeletons, some are perceived differently because they are much older. We have had a couple scum bags come across the 40 lol. I’m with the majority here. If we want to win then hire the winner but if not then at least hire a guy who coaches sound football and let’s get in a 8 to 9 win groove for 10 years. Fuck my life 

    • Fuck You 7
  2. 1 hour ago, UncleBuck said:

    Seems from the TFB update, the way I took it, that the money will still be there even if he won the CCG, but would be very unlikely on the university side. They’d give Tom the extra year.

    I’m going to have faith that this is what many people referenced what went wrong with the Mack brown/saban saga. CDC is not letting this situation turn into a toxic environment which would give urban even more leverage. Always appear to have faith in the coach until they relieve him of his duties. Optics. Please baby Jesus 

  3. If urban says yes then the big 12 title game can’t even be enough to salvage Herman’s tenure. I’m guessing CDC is just waiting for the end of the year and he will pull the trigger. His legacy won’t be shit stained by a coach he didn’t hand pick. His other hires have been nails. I’m pretty much to the point where I’d accept a guy like Brent Venables as long as he doesn’t feed the players burnt toast and talk about winning practices for fucks sake. 

  4. 26 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:

    well, he'd be used to playing with few skill players around him...

    Yeah in hindsight maybe that would suck for him. He may have to settle for a Colt type career which would be pretty amazing. Millionaire to hold a clip board. 

  5. 2 hours ago, futureman said:

    so how are you going to react as it slowly sets in that urban meyer has no interest in coaching the longhorns?

    Well I’ll probably deny any allegations that I wanted urban in the first place, shit on everybody else’s opinion, act like a complete fucking idiot, and throw out a bunch of “hot takes” that don’t mean shit. My reaction is going to be a lot like your entire existence on surly lol. If I can’t beat em I’ll join em man. 

    • Hook 'Em 4
  6. 21 minutes ago, Dr. Beeper said:

    Ultimately, nothing gets by. But penultimately?  He’s an infant. 

    LOL! Not my best work but you sir are damn funny. If you can’t be regarded on surly then I’m not sure a safe place exists 

  7. 2 minutes ago, futureman said:

    all your arguments are shit and you sound retarded.  dak is 9-11 in his last 20 starts.  my swollen hemorrhoid has a higher IQ than you. 

    How’s Jason garret doing with the giants offense? They setting the league on fire? You’re a longhorn fan. If you don’t think shitty coaching can fuck up good players then you’re kidding yourself. Despite really really really shitty coaching Dak put up impressive numbers. This shit doesn’t require the high iq of your hemorrhoids fuck face. A better coached team wouldn’t need their qb to win games when they have zeke and a good o-line but we pissed that away. Mike Tomlin with Dak would win a super bowl dumb ass. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, futureman said:

    do you even watch the games?  gilbert looked better than dak last week.  there will be many available free agent quarterbacks who can run the offense more effectively than dak and for a fraction of the price, which is important because of the zeke and jaylon contracts.

    kyle allen will be available.  he’s better than dak.  
    trubisky will be available.  he destroyed dak on national television. 
    rivers and fitzmagic will both be available.  a little longer in the tooth but good bridges to the future if you wanna grab a kid in the draft.  and they’re both better than dak. 
    cj beathard and nick mullens will be available.  they are light years ahead of that dipshit from mississippi state. 

    Kyle Allen has 4K yards passing in 3 seasons, and also broke his ankle. Let’s start the checklist of how fucking stupid you can be, bar is set real high so far. Trubisky has now been beat out by nick foles and couldn’t find a way to win with one of the nfl’s better defenses. You found a way to ratchet it up. Philip rivers and Fitzpatrick don’t even get a fucking response. Lulz. Mullins has 5 td’s in 4 games with shanahan having a large say in offensive game plan. Dak is a good QB with an atrocious history of fucking idiots calling plays for him. Do stats lie all the sudden? Is he going to win a bunch of Super Bowls? Probably not but that shit won’t be all his fault. Aaron fucking Rodgers has 1 ring man. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 51 minutes ago, futureman said:

    nothing gets by you. 

    So you think urban's coming here right? Is this some sort of agreeing to disagree thing? If you teach your gym class like you post on here then those poor fucking kids lol. 

  10. 9 hours ago, futureman said:

    tell me, have the brocks signed their letters of intent to bama yet?  I’ll wait. 

    By this logic nobody is going to any school that they have verbally committed to. This is the same shit we are saying about Urban you goofy fuck. The talks behind the scenes are like a soft commit, any more smoke and it maybe becomes a verbal. There hasn't been a single fucking thing mentioned that the Brocks are unhappy with bama lol. 

  11. 1 minute ago, Bill Lumbergh said:

    What's impressive about futureman and his commitment to his craft here is that I still can't tell if what's happening in this thread is a continuation of or him breaking his usual character.

    Yeah he fucked me up with the waddle was always just in jest bit. It’s somewhat poetic his anger towards urban Meyer coming here lol. 

  12. 37 minutes ago, futureman said:

    saying herman will be here for another 10 years isn’t as stupid as saying urban meyer is going to coach here in 2021. this is the most desperate, dumbest, saddest fucking thread in the history of shaggy/surly. 

    A fire Tom herman thread started in 2017 when he was hired. That thread doesn’t seem to have aged well bud. I’d say maybe wait till 2021 football season to toss out your super credible, super serious perspective. If surly doesn’t take futureman serious from here on out about urban Meyer then I’ll fist his ass on the same account just before he fists his own ass. Call it a warm up for the big show. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  13. 1 hour ago, Steamboat1874 said:

    Same old tired ass shit.

    Texas will never hire Urban Meyer and if you think they would you are a fucking idiot.

    Even If they did and he lost 2 games his first season all of you would be screaming to fire him too.

    Get over yourselves. Herman will be our coach at least 2 more years.

    Deal with it.

    At least two more years. You see a scenario where he gets another contract extension but all of us are fucking idiots? That’s next level trolling, well played sir. Honestly all the complaining we are doing and wanting urban Meyer is how we are “dealing with it” lol. I really don’t think herman gets fired during a world wide pandemic but a man can fucking dream can’t he 

  14. I really hate the Steelers mainly due to those roided up 70’s teams that won 4 Super Bowls but I like Mike Tomlin a lot. No way they beat the chiefs if they face them in the playoffs. I will root for them against any team baker mayfield QB’s tho. 

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