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Posts posted by WinningIsHard

  1. 13 minutes ago, futureman said:

    “No” works, too. 

    Alright it was a bad bluff lmao! I’m a dumbass but that’s definitely not a hill I’m willing to die on 😂. The English language is hard like winning football games. 

  2. 8 hours ago, futureman said:

    do you know what that word means?

    I guess it was a little ballsy to hope I could end an entire year before it was actually over. It was just a joke tho. I will try to be more serious from here on out sir. 

  3. 7 hours ago, futureman said:

    he’s only half wrong though.  we’d be lucky as hell to get urban but it’s fucking comical to think he’ll be coaching here.  it’s just not going to happen and this sad obsession our fanbase has right now is going to make us even more of a laughing stock when herman leads us out of the tunnel in 2021.  this thread is embarrassing. 

    This here is the penultimate post for 2020. Same dude who has been steady with the brocks coming to Texas thinks an idea is far fetched. I’m drawing a blank as to what you use as a compass for shit that’s believable lulz. I understand the chances are slim but with all the talk surrounding urban to Texas the fact that he hasn’t publicly shut it down has to keep a sliver of optimism alive. We had saban legitimately lined up so I don’t see the difference really. 

  4. Ringo would have started for Texas and probably be leading the team in some categories. Instead he currently has no stats and Georgia looks like they are coming down to earth without Fromm. 

  5. I’ve seen urban called a sociopath, a piece of shit, and trash...but I’ll be god damned if he’s only going to win us one or two more football games. That’s horseshit. The conference championships and playoff games he wins us will make so much fucking money nobody will remember shit about his past. Some assholes seem to forget that royal was kind of a racist. Anybody see racist added to any of the shit named after him???? Randolph you find racist in any of the DKR shit we have? Bring urban in then when we are a juggernaut hand it off to a choir boy coach who knows X & O’s. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 1 hour ago, LTtxfan said:

    Here's example...

    Alabama’s Tua Tagovailoa has surgery to repair high ankle sprain

    Our physicians performed a successful tightrope procedure on his right ankle this morning,” Alabama Coach Nick Saban said in a statement Sunday. “This is the same injury, but the opposite ankle that Tua injured last season. Tua will miss next week’s game against Arkansas, but we expect a full and speedy recovery.”

    “Speedy” may be the most important word as Alabama enters the toughest part of its schedule. Last year, Tagovailoa had the procedure after the Dec. 1 SEC title game and returned to play 28 days later in the Orange Bowl, although he was not at full strength.

    “What we do is we drill a hole from the fibula into the tibia and cast these tightropes through the bone and sync it down and tighten it,” Norman Waldrop, part of the surgical team that performed Tagovailoa’s surgery in 2018, told ESPN last year. “What these tightropes do are stabilize the ankle. It holds that little bone in its home. It holds it still and stable enough that the bones don’t want to spread apart.”


    Thank you sir! I guess I put my foot in my mouth a little bit. 

    • Haha 1
  7. 6 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    You didn't read any of my post but you concluded that it proves your point?

    I'm not sure I believe you, but wouldn't that make you a fool? That makes you sound like an idiot. 

    I don't care who wins the Harvard-Yale game or the Army-Navy game. Doesn't mean I can't have and express my thoughts and opinions on either one. I'm a college football enthusiast. You're just getting your panties in a bunch because I'm not telling you what you want to hear. 

    I could be wrong. I'm just calling things like I see them. 

    But I suppose you didn't read that far. 

    It's all the posturing you do that pisses people off man. At this point you have strongly defended your stance that you don't care...which means you do care, or you wouldn't strongly...never mind mother fucker. All that matters is your opinion is Texas fans are arrogant because we think Urban Meyer wants to wear burnt orange. We get it, we have heard it, and we don't plan on changing man. If you could just say you don't think he's coming here without all the douche baggery it would be so much easier. I don't have many posts though so take my shit with a grain of salt. lulz 

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  8. 10 minutes ago, futureman said:

    that’s ridiculous.  if we win out herman isn’t going anywhere. 

    If we win out and keep herman then we aren’t flipping the Brocks which you’ve said will happ....ahh fuck me. Nm 

  9. Fuck my life, from bleeding orange to recruiting for blOwU. I hope herman has to join that piece of shit Briles in purgatory for being a program murdering fraud. All he had to do was keep the train on the tracks, but noooo. I still have some faith that an urban hire flips a few 2021 guys. I’m regarded though. 

  10. 15 minutes ago, futureman said:

    and this is why we will scrape out ugly victories in all of our remaining games and herman will be extended. 

    Here’s to hoping that this post does not age well. 

  11. Those 9.95ers really know how to fuck a fan bases day up. That article said urban is coming and he's not coming all at the same fuckin time. They've gotten all the way to him reaching out to potential assistant coaches but nothing concrete yet. If urban meyer has more of a soul left than these low life bottom feeding pieces of shit then give that mother fucker a burnt orange polo and a sign that says fuck randolp duke to wave around. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 1 minute ago, Zeus said:

    Exactly, but people think since he wasn't jumping around in celebration he's mad cuz herman did a thing 2 years ago 😂

    He’s injured because herman is an idiot man. It’s causation. One thing led to the other. How many rb’s have we recruited? Our second string rb is a former qb who has never played the position. Our OL is awful. Our game plan blows. We hired an OC but our offense is the same. When your situation is the same consistently for 4 years you have to find the source. Who else can you blame? 

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