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Everything posted by TriStone

  1. Neither is it the national crisis some of you so desperately want it to be.
  2. Lol. It's definitely a hate crime someone perpetrated on the off chance that Bubba would eventually be assigned that garage, alright.
  3. Or maybe it's just a fucking knot someone tied. As always, the demand for racism in this country far outpaces the supply. Why that pisses some of you off so much is anyone's guess.
  4. He meant race pimp. Shaun King and people like him profit from this kind of thing. Shaun King is a race pimp. A race baiter is more like this guy in Maryland who was going to a local university and writing racist graffiti on the walls.
  5. So someone tied the noose on the off chance that Bubba might one day be assigned that spot?
  6. Agree with this. They alienated their loyal fanbase of goobers to do ... what exactly? Expand their brand? Yeah, I'm sure young liberals are going to tune in in droves. They Dixie Chicks'd themselves.
  7. and THIS! I could maybe understand watching one of these races in person, but to watch this shit on TV? I just don't get it.
  8. Yeah, because there's zero chance that this would lead to said track official being publicly shamed and possibly losing his job for daring to deny Bubba's truth. Everyone did what any intelligent person would do ... they kept their fucking mouths shut and let the farce play out.
  9. Next to impossible for a NASCAR driver who's probably seen his fair share of track garages. If I were a more cynical person, I might be inclined to believe that a middling driver without much celebrity saw an opportunity to make himself a household name. I'd never even heard of this guy until a few days ago.
  10. So. A hand loop on a rope used to pull down an overhead door. Neither a hate crime, nor a hoax. Just good, old-fashioned hysteria-driven stupidity.
  11. I don't necessarily want to see them run over. A truck fitted with a cowcatcher that would scoop them up and pitch them over into the ditch would be fine, too.
  12. You're giving these people far too much credit. Defacing statues is the cool thing right now so they defaced the SRV statue. That's their "thought process."
  13. I negated all the negs on this page!
  14. I know right? Asking questions. Wanting more information. Totally oblivious to the feelings of those in this thread who clearly wanted this to be a lynching. What a piece of shit he is.
  15. Interesting. I hadn't been keeping tabs. Figured they would flip their shit if a cop came in.
  16. I would think the operation and maintenance of a boat is far less complicated than that of a commercial airliner.
  17. It's a little more amped up. Occupy Wall Street didn't have guarded borders. Anyone could have walked through. I think this group is a little more militant, too.
  18. People are sending them plenty of money. Forethought might be an issue. The crowd seems to trend young. Need some old-school hippie wisdom in the mix.
  19. Some were laughing at the dirt on top of cardboard, but that's a pretty common composting tactic. They should have removed the sod before laying the cardboard though. Get them a few more truckloads of compost and wood chips and they'd be well on their way.
  20. There are residences and businesses in the area. I'm sure they're all thrilled with the situation.
  21. For a bunch of LARP'ing kids? Nah. The mayor and governor don't care, so I'm going to follow their lead. You can't help but laugh at the situation. They found land that they wanted, so they just took it. They have defined borders, border walls, and armed agents who question people seeking entry. They are denying entry to those they deem undesirable. Basically, they're just about everything they'd claim to despise.
  22. I think I read somewhere that if a guy is being a Karen, then he's being a "Kevin." Not sure if that's official or not.
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