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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Octavian

  1. Is this from the same guy who told Nahlin Banks wasn’t down to Oregon and Aggy?
  2. All Sark has to do is get Mac Jones on the phone with Quinn. You gotta think they have a good enough relationship for that.
  3. Pretty sure his gf is still at Southlake but is going to OU.
  4. Didn’t 247 hint that someone was going to announce today? Or was that also referring to NIL?
  5. If true, shouldn’t we be rounding up every troll we know and have them go to town?
  6. Who would they try to go after for OC if Brady is off the table? Graham Harrell?
  7. Del Conte does a trip up to NYC twice a year to meet with alumni who live here. Occasionally, the head football coach comes too. I remember when I watched Herman, he refused to acknowledge criticism/seemed upset/got annoyed if someone called him out on something. Oftentimes, his first go-to response was to chalk it up to the questioner not understanding football enough. Sark actually seemed like he thought about whether the criticism was valid/gave nuanced answers that showed he wasn’t brushing aside potential issues. I think Sark has it in him to be introspective/self scout/fix mistakes. I don’t know whether he will be successful as that likely requires success/luck in other areas like recruiting, but I do not think he is the arrogant/stubborn person that Herman was.
  8. Did not expect the Football board to completely take over the world geography thread. With a name like Xian, you’d think he’d stay on topic.
  9. Thanks for bringing out the superfluous vocabulary - I can tell I hit a nerve. I’m sorry for your two year old that they have to deal with you as an example for the rest of their life because you clearly have a paper-thin self-confidence that manifests in needing to attack a person who points out your flaws instead of actually clarifying your logic. I’m sure you’re one of those people who barely got into UT and has held it as a proof-point of their intellect considering how often you feel the need to establish your mental superiority. All of those posts where you feel the need to correct people’s grammar make a lot more sense now. Godspeed to you and your family because they need it if this post is any indication of your temperament.
  10. That dude stumbling to reach that punt is the embodiment of our team today
  11. No roughing the passer that time? He actually drove him into the ground there.
  12. Wow they are not calling any of these holds
  13. Well at least we’re showing Arch that if he can take a snap without dropping it, he’s an immediate upgrade
  14. There’s the run defense we’re used to
  15. God Collins is such a beast. Gets double teamed and still runs through it. Where has he been.
  16. Lol. Now we get to the point where people thinking dropping the word fuck makes their point better. Bravo. Look dumbass. If you admitted in your original post that you don’t think Texas has worse QB development or opportunities ex-NIL and then say that NIL is the reason that Arch/the Mannings would pick Notre Dame over Texas, you’re inherently implying that NIL maximization has to be so good that it outweighs everything else. I was assuming you thought the Mannings were rational people. I was also assuming you were a rational person because otherwise your assertion was logically doomed from the start, but I guess you’re admitting you’re regarded. How’s that for reading comprehension? Then you go on to try and defend ND’s NIL honor in a couple of other posts. This is a doomed struggle from the start considering ND is the blue blood with the worst media engagement based on several social media engagement rankings, and considered to be behind on NIL as well. Comparing ND to being on par with Georgia? Are you dumb (this is rhetorical because you clearly are)? Typing in all caps and dropping some expletives shouldn’t let you get away with idiocy.
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