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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Octavian

  1. I really fucking hope we can pick up some receivers in this class because our current guys are making me internally scream at this practice. To be fair Josh Thompson has been playing lights out.
  2. Yeah, I agree. I also wonder if Sark is learning from the mistakes of his predecessors and just sandbagging expectations going into the season. Considering outlooks were sky high when he was hired, it would make sense from his perspective to ease the fanbase into a more conservative set of expectations and then outperform. It’s management 101. Drop the bar -> crush new lower expectation -> profit. To your point, Sark is really good at scheming guys open. Furthermore, there was always going to be an adjustment period for learning the new offense/getting used to 95% of routes expecting receivers catching at full speed but I would think it’s dumb on our part to assume there isn’t eventual improvement up the learning curve.
  3. Didn’t Joe Brady do some ball skills circuits with the LSU wide receivers because they were also dropping too many passes? Maybe that’s what we need to be doing.
  4. From Cook’s notes it also sounds like they are cross training him as DE/Edge in addition to DT. Think that really gives him a ton of upside, particularly given how some older players and NFL trainers had talked up his athleticism allowing him to do that. Could turn him into a real chess piece for PK.
  5. Yeah I figured but it seemed like Banks was basically going all in on the guy this cycle
  6. That’s what you’d think but then there were 2-3 snaps in the scrimmage highlight tape where the d-line was 1-2 yards in the backfield by the time the handoff happened. Considering our interior OL was not incompetent at the end of last season, I’m hoping this means our interior DL is just a bunch of freaks.
  7. I know Surly would never do this, but what if we’re overreacting and really they just changed the practice model so each guy gets a full day each with the 1s? I think the Colts are doing this with Sam/Eason.
  8. I feel better about our biggest questions being at WR/OL/QB (aka our passing attack) than I have in a long time because it seems Sark and Flood are able to adjust their schemes. If it was Herman, we’d be throwing the same stationary screen pass that gets absolutely clobbered for a TFL. My guess is that they’ll reshuffle the lineup to account for deficiencies and matchups all year. Just hope he finds a way to incorporate more 20 and 21 personnel this year given our running back room. Wasn’t particularly common for him at Alabama or the Falcons.
  9. Hudson has always been the quieter kid so I’m not surprised people are interpreting that as lacking confidence. The problem is that quiet confidence doesn’t show up in interviews like this.
  10. The reality is that the 2022 class is likely upside capped at this point, probably to the 5-10 rank range CTJ mentioned earlier this year. That too, only likely to be reached if we deliver on the field (meaning the only game we possibly lose is RRS during the season) and close some remaining high ranked prospects later this year. Otherwise this class is probably doomed to be a worse than 10th ranked class. The good news is that the foundation for 2023 class relationships seem to be laid well, even with some top OOS prospects. So if Sark and Co. do execute this year, 2023 could easily be a top 3 class.
  11. Knowing Hartzell, this tweet actually translates to “get back to work, bitch.”
  12. I love this even more because Burke looks like a wholesome dude. Imagine the nice kid on the playground just being like “enough, Bob.”
  13. Hmmm aggy said we wouldn’t go undefeated ever again…
  14. I was in his capstone class where someone pointed this out on the syllabus and Hartzell just smirked. He knew what he was doing.
  15. I think the entire point of differentiating the two was that one was more glass-half-full than the other. With this dog and pony show, it’s just Aggy making an ass of themselves so not sure it really applies
  16. When Aggie hears about Texas and OU joining the SEC: FullSizeRender.mov When Aggie tries to strongarm the SEC: FullSizeRender.mov
  17. Would be a positive datapoint if our staff also gets one of these late night, last minute calls. Anyone seen anything from the 9.95ers about this? Saw something that Sark talked to him yesterday.
  18. Nike just said they’re gonna pull in $50B next year. Public reporting requires accuracy within 5%. Operating expenses of $13B. That means $650M is still a rounding error. This man could buy every top 500 recruit and it wouldn’t impact a single shareholder.
  19. Yeah these are clean. Fawcett’s edits look like a 2nd grader did them in MS Paint
  20. While that would be really cool, I feel like the 3-4 players that could wind up in that category are likely very good at what they do. If you build up years of expertise in something and prepare your whole life to do that at a professional level, you probably have either a massive chip on your shoulder or the true spirit of a competitor. My sense is that someone with either persona and that level of skill is not going to forego going to the NFL, even if it is for a short stint. To your point though, maybe positions that face more wear and tear (RB, DL etc.) see shorter careers because even if you bust in the NFL, you probably made a good chunk of money in college.
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