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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Octavian

  1. I might be extrapolating a little, but McMillan strikes me as Overshown part 2.0 - big framed, highly athletic safety that could become an awesome hybrid/middle linebacker with sideline to sideline ability. Those types of bodies/inherent athletic traits are so rare but give you so much scheme integrity, particularly in the Big 12/NFL. Might be a tough sell to him though given he is clearly already accomplished at playing WR/S.
  2. At the end of the day, the AD position is a glorified recruiting/vetting position with some PR thrown in. Sports is a talent business, and AD is just the top of the pyramid. AD has to hire/vet good coaches for each sport, each coach hires/vets good assistants, coaches recruit good players. Just based on the recruiting departments for different companies/firms that I've interacted with, the best recruiting departments tend to be those who have seen the best talent over and over again. If you do that, you know what to look for. If you've only dealt with mediocre/average people, anyone who is average/above-average is going to look great to you. Problem is, average/above-average doesn't cut it at Texas. Given CDC's experience, I don't think he'd know a great head coach if that coach slapped him in the face. Average/above-average? Sure. I'm sure someone will throw out Patterson as some meaningless example here, but CDC didn't hire Patterson. I actually think Sark could pan out here, but I attribute that to luck more than CDC's brilliance. And some weird pride situation going on where CDC wants to get "credit" for picking the right coach to turn the program around (not some proven person like Urban).
  3. Ricks has two more years right? Do you mean Stingley? Saw earlier in the thread that someone saw Stingley might opt out for his last year.
  4. Agree that a series with Washington would be amazing. Or Oregon for that matter. That entire PNW area is just beautiful in the fall. With all the tech companies and startups coming to Austin, feels like it has a lot more in common with Seattle and Portland than ever. Although Portland kind of feels like it has been trying too hard to match Austin's culture/weirdness for a while now.
  5. Friend who went to tOSU sent me this: Not sure their optimism is well placed given they seem to think they will get any five star potential transfer, but seems like there are definite legs to Ricks/Raymond leaving.
  6. tOSU mods/insiders seem to think he's already a done deal to them so this would a huge rug pull in our favor if it actually works out.
  7. As someone who works at a hedge fund and whose sole job is to find market inefficiencies - CTJ is correct here. All market participants clearly understand that these QBs are valuable. Riley went out and got the best. He's not exploiting some knowledge advantage he has or lack of analysis by other people.
  8. As you can see above, I thin this is a great take and I do think Stewart is a bad ass football player. Actually, I did not respond or push back on either of the two counter points that you brought up. In fact, I actually upvoted some. The one thing I pushed back on was the person who argued about top speed and when that is reached. From my two posts above, you can tell I think he's a great football player and that I am definitely onboard with the glory of him committing. Agree with you - and he definitely does play well in pads. Just was responding to the guy who was talking about top speed. LOL. I didn't freak out. I've seen you post and you seem to always feel the need to put people down and I don't appreciate that. I do appreciate the information you bring to the board, the camaraderie you sometimes have and your general I-don't-give-a-fuck attitude. However, whenever someone disagrees with you, you decide it's the end of the world and feel the need to be a tremendous asshole (like you are now). When someone called you out on it earlier, you said you were okay if people negged you for doing that. So I have been downvoting your posts where you are an asshole to people because you yourself said that's fine. If that hurts your fragile ego, then go ahead and start a feud lol. I think the post you're talking about is one where I said your take on players opting out for the NFL was pussying out was a bad take. I still think it's a bad take and I gave my reasons on the other thread.
  9. The average explosive passing play is about 35 yards. That's about 32 meters. Most 200M sprinters do not get anywhere near their top speed in 32 meters (average 100M sprinter does in 35M and 200M sprinters in 55M). Yes, a good 200M sprinter has amazing top speed, but it rarely translates to speed that is functional on the football field. The speed at which an athlete "gets off the blocks" and their initial 10M burst is the most important for a WR/RB because it is what determines whether they can get initial separation/make people miss. I understand the snarkiness and I understand that having a good 200M time means he's very fast. However, most top speeds for distances above 100M don't translate to football because you are rarely going in a straight line and you are rarely running for over 30M. If you want to argue that Becton can make him more explosive and that his early acceleration can be improved by improvement to technique, form, and conditioning, I'm all for it. The 200M time itself is not the hill to die on.
  10. Think the only one with true "olympic speed" in this class is Brenen Thompson. Has consistently put up times below 10.4
  11. Second play in his highlights from this season is really similar to the orbit motion play Sark loved to use with Devonta Smith: http://www.hudl.com/v/2EpPNa Lot of stuff in there that fits Sark's offense. Would be an awesome take.
  12. Totally agree. If there are kids who have literally played their hearts out for a dog shit staff, have been the leaders in the locker room, and are all-around NFL talents, you can’t blame them for trying to preserve their health when the remaining contests are effectively inconsequential. Both Ossai and Cosmi are currently consensus (aggregated mock draft) first rounders. Getting injured could literally cost them millions of dollars. Asking a young man to put that on the line is just selfish. You usually have good takes @closetojumping but you should feel bad for this one. Was not a good take. As for the argument that this sets a bad precedent, the remaining games were not gonna get us to a CCG. They were not playoff games. We can cross that bridge when we get there.
  13. Found this pretty interesting. If you look up Alabama's receiver room, there are only two people who are 200lbs or higher (that too, just barely). Nearly all are 180lbs or less. In contrast, Texas had many receivers who were 200lbs or heavier, with most of those being people who were on the two-deep. It'll be great for these people to stop being lumbering giants and actually be fast enough to get some separation. Herman turning Jake Smith into a 200lb bowling ball was definitely a dumb mistake.
  14. Perhaps evaluating the difficulty of the second part of your statement will allow you reconcile the first.
  15. https://247sports.com/Coach/Chris-Marve-3776/AllTimeRecruits/
  16. "All Texas coaches are quarantining." Right...
  17. Managing Director - Mergers, Acquisitions, and Transactions
  18. He did... believe that was one of his options. The others being Oregon and us (and maybe some other NFL jobs that have not been talked about). I’m not sure if he could make his way onto the staff though. He’s coached OLBs/DEs most of his career. Perhaps Coach K could do ILBs instead?
  19. According to a couple sources, players were somewhat surprised by the upbeat, enthusiastic tone coming from Becton during the workouts. "The first workout was fun," one source said. "We're certainly not used to that. Maybe this is a first impression thing. We'll see." ^^^ If Yancy was even half-decent at his job, I'm not sure feedback would have sounded like this.
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