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Posts posted by Superhero

  1. I go camping at Joshua Tree with the dad / daughter group. The bathroom is a large outhouse. Smells like an outhouse, but messier, because little girls are messy.


    The worst place I took a shit was outside of Kirby Lane Cafe on January 1st 1998. I probably had a stomach flu. I went outside to fart and promptly shit down my pant leg. It was the last time I sharted until last December. 

  2. image.png.be9746d11a35c3456def24dbe8245e08.png


    "In California, this product may cause cancer, birth defects other other."


    I live in California. I don't want cancer or birth defects after I'm dead. Hard pass.


    • Hook 'Em 1
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  3. 2 hours ago, MissingInAction said:

    So Kevin is a wildlife photographer..



    1 hour ago, Sbbruin said:

    Honestly, that gorilla could just give you one hard thump on top of your head and you'd be dead.

    Kevin calls bullshit. This is Kevin.


    • Haha 2
  4. 3 hours ago, Dish Boggett said:

    When do you start taking down the bets?  Do you play the same way you would when the hot lady, with fake tits has hit 5  numbers in a row at the Craps table?

    Asking for future reference, if i am ever in the situation and all

    Actually I'm not smart enough to day trade or sell puts/calls; and am more of a buy and hold guy. I've pretty much stuck with the household names and they've kept me in the black (except for Netflix, which has stabbed me in the back repeatedly)... My portfolio is primarily AAPL, AMZN, BRK'B. GOOG, MSFT, SBUX, META, TSM and some index fund EFTs. The under-performers are MNST (only because my sister works there), JNJ and MMM.

    I don't try to time the market, and just dollar cost average in. I bought AAPL, AMZN and GOOG many years ago and have followed the mostly ups since then.



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  5. 2 hours ago, jdhorn92 said:

    nice pop for sure, i got in at $161.40 forever ago.  Its been a good one to hold

    Is NDVA trajectory going to the moon? I have a CD maturing at the end of the month and looking for a home. I could put half of it in NVDA then take the other half over to my friend Asadulah who works in securities.


    19 minutes ago, Wally Fairway said:

    BRK.b has hit all-time highs and is closing in on $400,  it was $362 at ye, and was at $169 in May 2020 Covid low.
    (this one is of keen interest at I am holding BRK.b calls with $400 strikes that are close to being itm)

    Bought 380 shares over the years at an average of $128.

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  6. Dear Abby,

    Our sex life is pretty predictable... not in the sense of frequency, but in what happens first, second, etc.

    Recently she got mad about something and said she's done sucking dick, period. 

    Should I leave her now? Or at least wait until the kids are off to college?

  7. There should be a standardized signal using car horns and/or brights to tell a dumbass they need to turn on their lights at night.

    They should make that part of the written DL test.


    I blame stupid people. I also blame the interiors of modern cars being so bright that people think they’re exterior lights are on as well.

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  8. 5 hours ago, NorthLoop said:

    They have sea drones, therefore they have a navy /russia

    Every small country and terrorist organization is taking notes…

    Was it in a Tom Clancy novel or elsewhere where the US wargamed a conflict with Iran. The general/admiral of the “aggressor group” completely whipped a carrier group using asymmetrical warfare - motorcycle couriers to communicate instead of radios, launching anti-ship missiles and waves after waves of small boats loaded with explosives.

    This was before flying and naval drones were even a spark in someone’s imagination.

    This is why I’m nervous about what’s going on in the ME. Narrow waterways without much room to maneuver, cheap anti-ship missiles, flying drones and naval drones, longish range artillery. It’s not IF a warship will be sunk, it’s WHEN 

    Hopefully I’m just ignorant, but I hope the US armed forces are diversifying their weapons systems to not only combat conventional planes, tanks and missiles; but also against the smallest of targets because those are the ones that will fuck things up in a hurry if we’re not prepared. 

    • Hook 'Em 5
  9. I have a Nespresso Vertuo machine which is great for my purpose since the rest of the family doesn't drink coffee. The pods are expensive, but I've been refilling used pods with coffee and sealing then with foil lids that I buy off of Amazon. At the end of the week, it'll take me about 30 minutes to clean and refill the pods, all the time while watching a show. It's a nice way to wind down from the weekend and also saves a lot of money.

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