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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Barbacoa

  1. How many times have we left the bases juiced without a hit in this tourney? Its pretty unbelievable.
  2. Zubia is killing me come on dude.
  3. How do you blow that call? Not even close.
  4. Swinging the bats well now. This team just has the juice.
  5. Dont like the bunt call here.
  6. Great pitching is such a luxury in college baseball. On that level, our program is an embarrassment of riches.
  7. Its extremely pathetic and extremely embarrassing. We crashed hard and burned long. The only thing that can bring us back is what brought us back the last time. The right coach at the right time. We shall see.
  8. I wish there was a real incentive to finish the season in the top 25. Would be nice if there was a separate 12 team tournament that teams still really wanted to win. Dont know what that would be though.
  9. He’s been the only reason I go to obloods for years. I have no clue where to get baseball content now.
  10. Did I miss it or has no one posted that Bear Alexander is taking an unofficial to Texas tomorrow?
  11. Fucking Nebraska. Pathetic.
  12. Thats been the word in Fort Worth since late last week.
  13. Our anniversary is Friday. You'd be proud of the psyops I've already executed to make sure I dont miss a game.
  14. Gonna have to go to dinner with the wife at some point friday or saturday. When is the earliest we will know our schedule?
  15. Also it wouldnt be too bad if the ump was still back there calling what the machines call. Would make it feel normal and you'd still need someone for plays at the plate.
  16. That line drive off the GT pitcher's shin looked....painful.
  17. I hate the idea but I dont have a good argument against it.
  18. 12-2 but that doesnt even come close to showing what a beatdown it has been.
  19. What was the ump saying to Cam there?
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