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Posts posted by Barbacoa

  1. 2 hours ago, TexasRenegade said:

    If I was the type to read tea leaves and such.....I might draw some conclusions from the fact that our resident "insiders" haven't come anywhere near this thread in the last 24 hours.


    Certainly CTJ or Barbacoa would have shown up to rain on our parade if he wasn't coming to Texas....


    I'm stepping back a bit after failing to raise any $$$. Just dont want to bother information guys when I dont have anything from my side that helps them, and thats kind of been the arrangement all season. And the donors I talk to that might know stuff are the people Ive been hitting up for $$$. So right now the only stuff I hear is the stuff they share on a couple text threads, and those have been pretty quiet all weekend. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, Tex-19 said:

    @Barbacoa get your people on it!!! Give the man (boy?) what he wants!!!!

    I have helped with a couple of recruits and like to think I made a difference on one of them, but so far I have actually delivered $0 dollars towards recruiting or NIL initiatives. I've had a good amount that I felt was in play, but it really wasnt until today that I realized after a lot of effort I was going to come out of 22 with a lot of time spent and nothing to show for it. I have no problem saying 5-7 really fucked everything over, but I overestimated my ability to get some large $$$ guys excited about the new possibilities in cfb. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. Just look at what is going on with our program. Completely embarrassed by Arkansas, being on the wrong side of the biggest comeback in RRS history, 4th Q pants shitting against the two teams in the Big 12 CCG, kids laughing on the bus after a second half throttling against ISU, complete humiliation at home against Kansas in front of important recruits, and a 6 game losing streak topped off with a loss against a WVU that was trying to stay bowl eligible themselves. This has possibly been the worst season Ive ever witnessed. Absolutely brutal. 

    This is just my opinion, but there is only one lever that was going to salvage this class, and we arent pulling it. Meanwhile, a&m has gone full throttle in a way I really cant remember in this state. Its a shit sandwich, and now we have to eat it. 

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  4. 43 minutes ago, Fondren & Main said:

    @closetojumping @Barbacoa

    Is there any good news on the horizon or are we pretty much boned this cycle?  I guess I need to hit the scotch again tonight.

    I'm kind of checked out on the 22 stuff in terms of keeping in contact with info guys. I only ask them stuff when I need it and I dont need anything for 22, and 23 really hasnt started yet for me. CTJ, SC, and RGB talk to a lot of the same guys I do, but they keep up with them more often I'd imagine. They'd be more up to date then me. 

    I do hear a ton of rumors from some $$$ guys but the info isnt that great. This thread is more accurate. I also seem to get sworn to secrecy on stuff that I come to find out is already on the boards, most likely bc it comes straight from 9.95 guys. That happened today except the mod was sort of coy about it. Hasnt made it over here I guess but its not worth mentioning yet. Likely just another rumor. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 28 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    It's always a surprise to me when I read how linear, simple, and uninformed many grown men are when it comes to how various business approaches by people with financial wherewithal play out, or in their mind, how such matters should play out. The entitlement, the impatience, the simple scenarios of things like idiotically just throwing millions of dollars out there with no understanding of why, just doing it. Shit like that happens when buyouts are discussed, how the bag game does or doesn't work, and now NIL, plus much more. I assume most people here went to UT, so I assume there are a lot of sociology grads posting or some shit. Maybe a lot of young guys too.

    Coming back to this thread after 7 hours of meetings and work and wow, there's no easy way to even address some of the bad bullshit and weak assumptions.

    I told this board weeks ago that the price had moved north of $250k. That wasn't speculative. 


    Like I said earlier today, I still think Texas winds up with 5 key guys that kind of suprise us all on or around signing day. It won't be because our brand or results won out. I do not believe Stewart will be part of that. I do believe we're going to wind up with some key OL targets. The NIL stuff won't hurt on that either.

    Obviously I believe you, but I still don’t understand how it got that high. Our hair got brushed back when it got to 200k, and I didn’t think we would match that. Do you think we did? Or did bama? Or was that number in conjunction with the t shirt company incorrect? 

  6. I have trouble buying the more than 200k part tbh. I think the group on our side was overconfident about their own offer and ability to keep up. I certainly was overconfident in my own ability to get similar stuff going on a different guy. People get real excited until 5-7 happens and it’s time to produce the assets. It also doesn’t help when the staff goes radio silent on people in the middle of them trying to help. 

  7. Stewart’s recruitment went very quiet once he stopped playing hs fball. The 9.95 guys don’t even know all that much about the group who is running his recruitment. For all we know, it wasn’t even Stewart’s decision. That happens all the time with elite prospects, but that’s just speculation on my part. However, I can tell people from personal experience that sometimes there just isn’t any logic to why kids end up where they end up. People wondering why he would go to a school that is obviously a bad fit schematically may be thinking beyond the real reasons he went with A&M. Sometimes it’s just really simple. High bidder wins.

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  8. There’s a group out there who claimed to have Stewart taken care of a couple of months ago. Every time I asked about this group I was told Stewart was just playing the game and they would likely need more $$$ to land him if another school upped the bid for him. That was before A&M really got involved. Then it turned into we wouldn’t lose him to A&M over money.

    The guy telling me all this was likely involved, this isn’t something he would lie about. Now he’s saying the rumors of the $$$ a&m put together are undershooting the amount. I asked him if the door was closed for sure, and he said we will remain in contact until he signs but doesn’t think the $$$ is there to match the offer. I asked him why they don’t just say fuck it and put that money towards the OL NIL stuff and do some good, but he thinks the money will be used to bag elsewhere. 

    The reality is cash is king for these top prospects. I just don’t see it going away. I think that’s hopeful thinking and ignores the emotional impact these cash offers make on the receiving parties. 

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  9. Here's what people should know about Evan Stewart:

    - He didnt need his high school team

    - He bunkered down with people he trusted.

    - His real recruitment began. 

    - A&M showed him the money

    - We tried to show him the money but we really couldnt.

    - He took the people that are organized.


    And even after all that, I promise the Evan Stewart story has just begun. He's a smart kid and I like him. If he doesnt get whats promised, he keeps his upfront part, and just transfers to a place that will get him the ball. 

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  10. Apologies. Was told by a buddy with the Eltife equivalent source at LSU that Kiffin will be their next coach. Thamel is no joke if Im remembering correctly but Kiffin to LSU is out there in the agent world as well. Probably a smokescreen but we shall see. 

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