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Everything posted by HateYouAndMyself

  1. Purely hypothetical? Like if Sark were struck by lightning tomorrow? At this point I would hire Kiffin for the memes. If we are going to suck the exact same way no matter who our coach is at least hire someone who will provide for hilarity off the field.
  2. why is this FUCKING RETARD throwing a goddamn screen into coverage on second and fucking oNE???? Sark is actually even more goddamn brain dead than fucking Herman was. This is just astounding idiocy
  3. This playcalling continues to be fucking awful in the second half
  4. Anyone know who/what this is referencing? Doesn't seem like it is anyone who actually went to that HS on our current roster so I am guessing a travel team?
  5. It is weird seeing ACTUAL highschool level football after only really peeking in on showcase games with the elite HS teams better than most JUCO squads.
  6. That was actually a really nice play by the safety breaking up a TD
  7. I know I shouldn't be laughing this hard at what is probably some 14 year old kicker but holy shit that was bad
  8. Thats a good point. I might actually start to believe the curse is ending if Rattler bails and Williams gets hurt. I was taking it for granted that everyone had already accepted Rattler transferring as inevitable. My 'this is bad for us' was in reference to it being the least beneficial scenario of the many ways it could have played out (in response to the original reporting that he had basically ragequit the team.. which is perhaps not proving accurate). It was a nitpicky point in the first place and I worded it extra poorly. Obviously I agree that the Rattler situation as a whole is a huge positive for us no matter how it plays out.
  9. I was thinking more along the lines of if Williams struggled at all you might see Riley's ego come into play, try to force Rattler back onto the team and it really piss a lot of kids off. We've seen better coaches do worse. Either way I was likely being needlessly contrarian just to bring up the 'not as good as we could have hoped for' instead of just celebrating an obvious fuck up by OU.
  10. Obviously Rattler entering the portal is a net positive for Texas. That has been inevitable since halftime of the RRS. The question was whether it would go quickly or he would linger around as a distraction and potentially fracture their team. So yes; of the potential outcomes of this situation Rattler entering the portal quickly is the worst. Still a positive overall but this is the 'bad end' for us vs him sticking around being a distraction and potentially fracturing that team if Campbell hits a wall over the next couple of games and struggles (as most true FR do.. though that kid certainly looked ready). Beyond all of that Rattler is just a tedious cunt to be around in general per basically anyone whose ever had to spend more than an hour in a room with him so, if for no other reason than pure spite, its natural to have hoped he would wait till after the season to transfer. Riley deserved having to deal with that lizard on the daily for two more months.
  11. Rattler entering portal is bad news for us. Was hoping OU situation would turn into a fucking dumpster fire or Riley would keep trying to start the reptile and lose the support of the team. Unlikely but a man can dream. Rattler getting the fuck out asap just makes him look like a whiny bitch (which to be fair he his) and lets Riley just say "look it isn't my fault this kid is a head case" and excuse his failure in developing him.
  12. I might agree with you if this were late 2022 but we are just so far away from when he would ever take the field with us I really don't think it matters. Were he a 2022 player, and our OL play / recruitment in that area did not improve from where it is currently sits.. then yeah. Sure. I could see it being a serious issue that probably take a lot of finessing with the family. As-is I doubt it even rates as a notable concern. In the very least I do not see it stopping Arch from committing (potentially as soon as the next few weeks). If we reach November next season and our QBs continue to get killed and we have yet again shit ourselves recruiting on the front? Sure. He probably won't sign here commitment or not. Fuck ton of time before then and its very unlikely if we actually land Arch that we will not also rope in some beasts in the portal and 2023 OL class.
  13. The Sanders situation is frustrating but we have Wiley who is a physical monster with solid hands also getting no work. I've been screaming all season for him to be in there every RS situation running jump ball outlet routes and we finally got him one this weekend. Outside of Worthy/Keialn speed on deep routes the single biggest mismatch we can create on the offensive side of the ball is Wiley vs a safety. Far too few targets. He should be the third most targeted player on this fucking team unless I am just wildly over estimating the quality of his hands (can only go by what I've seen). Secondary staff was the major concern coming in and the players have looked even worse than I expected. I feel like the next two points are related.. Keilan unquestionably has the speed to line up in the slot. He doesn't have elite hands but can't be fucking worse than our gaggle of Jag options there now that Whittington is injured (again). Unless he is just a historically bad route runner I'm hoping he starts getting serious work in the short term in that spot Whit was filling. Majors played like he had put money on OU to cover.
  14. Aggy putting its boot up Saban's ass. Can't be overstated how much them pulling this off would absolutely fuck us. Which is why it will, of course, happen. The curse is real.
  15. Yeah.. I think if anything this will just slow the process down. We had a shot to really capitalize on the momentum and get his commitment. Maybe still can if we rebound well and handle things against OSU and Baylor (big 'IF' there, I know). Georgia is the 'safe' bet for him but not exactly a sexy option. They also have zero leverage in terms of trying to get him to commit there early. Should have plenty of time to keep working the situation. Outside of Texas I just don't see him committing to anyone before the Spring.
  16. And a response like this tells me you have no sense of humor or ability to detect hyperbole. The offense did more than what should have been enough down the stretch to carry the lead and sustain the win. When you add in the 6-8 minute commercial breaks on both sides of every possession change the defense had plenty of rest. Nor did they even look gassed. They were just not at all in the right position to make plays and the rare times they were they shit themselves and got outclassed or couldn't make a tackle to save their fucking life. edit: enough about this shit either way. This isn't the post game thread and I shouldn't have started this line of convo here anyway.
  17. I get both your points. They are valid. We would have won if we could have simply run the minutes off the clock with some sustained drives in the second half. But we gave up 27 fucking points (not counting the additional 7 points off the fumbled KR) in the final 16 minutes of the game. Even if we just punted on first down every time they kicked it back off to us they shouldn't have been able to do that. Our defense rolled over, shit itself and cried for the entirety of the second half and that is absolutely who is ultimately to blame. Context matters, and I would honestly believe you if you told me Jake Majors and Karic had bet money on OU to win, but come on.. 662 fucking yards with ANY context is just absurdly unacceptable.
  18. They scored 54 fucking points off only one Texas turnover. For you to blame anything but our defense makes you fucking retarded even by Surly standards. Just stop. You can crawl as fully up your own asshole as you want trying to argue theoretical "well if we had just done this one thing then that one play wouldn't have happened" bla bla fucking bla. 662 yards.
  19. I hope he watched the first 8 minutes and then decided to go throw dice in the parking lot for the rest of the game or something
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