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Everything posted by spystud13

  1. Jesus mother fucking shit, Philip. Ha, bailed out yet again.
  2. It wound up working, but it’s not against the rules to run from the 3 with two good RBs.
  3. LAC -1, 49 Could be a fairly entertaining game.
  4. You also have to figure he’s 8th out of 12 through 9 weeks, so might as well try something. Fire off a bunch of trade proposals, ain’t much difference between 8th & last if you fail.
  5. Dunbar magnet, Monnig middle, Western Hills HS
  6. Makes it even more odd how awful he was against StL.
  7. Sounds like AJG can be safely cut, he ain’t coming back this season.
  8. Conner is out this weekend, I’m rolling Samuels again.
  9. ^ And in his last elimination where they had to kick through the sheetrock/plywood/whatever the fuck it was, he didn’t wear goggles while Idris did. Thought that was a bit ironic.
  10. I texted a buddy that is a complete boozehound, probably goes out more than anyone here, he had never even heard of it. That ain’t good.
  11. I was mainly referring to the double-middle fingers at the end of the episode. Has anyone on this thread done that since turning 15 or so? Paulie was mature enough to congratulate Jordan on the ring.
  12. Stay mature, Cara. At least your better half has a modicum of class.
  13. So, probably not Theo’s best audition for a future demo job. Now we just gotta get Jordan some shirts without holes.
  14. Every single scene at the bar this season has been completely fucking worthless. Might as well just air commercials instead.
  15. Do they not have kind of a mustard finish? May be thinking of something else.
  16. Is there something going in the old Peony’s by the Bucket & the Dive?
  17. CiCi is back in Houston after 19 months. http://baseline.tennis.com/article/85824/cici-bellis-houston-comeback-wrist-elbow-injury Some pretty good WCs.
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