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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by VRHorn

  1. This sentence right here says everything wasn't fine. The stuff Mulvaney pulled the other day with the bankers was the garden variety corruption (albeit more explicit than normal). Money has always equalled access - that isn't new. This was your assertion - what has Trump done with regard to this? If you are really saying "the Clinton Foundation would have acted as pay-for-play" that is a textbook "but Hillary". If not, just clarify what he explicitly did because I don't see it.
  2. Maybe a Kool-Aid sipper, but not full-blown chugging. My point is more that I expect that garden variety corruption to revert to normal levels after Trump, not disappear. The fact that it's 100x worse now but in a different way isn't really a good thing about his presidency, is it? I don't see anything he has actively done to curtail the typical stuff. If this is all a "but Hillary" based on the Clinton Foundation, then my reply is misplaced and I am sorry.
  3. Talk about not sure if serious... Now, the foreign countries just funnel money directly to Trumpco via hotels, resorts, etc. Read about Trump Hotel DC, for example.
  4. Mattis. Also, we finally have an administration that can fully fill up the 24 hours news cycle.
  5. There was likely more to the story, which is why the cops were pointing her to the driver. I did love her passing out PBA cards (I assume) when she first walked up. Those things usually work wonders, so it shows how terrible she was.
  6. I don't have a lot of good things to say about Schumer, but good on him for this. It's not going to go anywhere, but he's doing what he can here.
  7. That was a bizarre interview. The part about walking down Broadway and becoming someone’s wife was hysterical - I thought her head was going to explode.
  8. No, they have been on tour since last September or so and the Austin show is the first show of this leg. I saw them at Voodoo fest In October.
  9. And the manager is gone...doesn't solve the main issue of the thread, but it completely aligns with their corporate culture.
  10. I think you left out cuck, but it was pretty close. responding to Brisket, obviously.
  11. Sure, if the norks were getting bombed by Britain and France and if the Norks attacked Japan or the South. They would never waste bombs on other norks. Assad is an active war criminal and Kim is a passive war criminal (like us, am I right?)
  12. Note to self - when I take over the world, don’t record conversations or appear on recorded conversations. this really is Stupid Watergate.
  13. Again, I was pretty onboard with this until the “what, we’re so innocent” bit. If you are a true isolationist, at least it’s an ethos, but you have to own the results. The Brits and the Frogs signed up for this, you are aligning yourself with Putin here.
  14. Nope, we should not, in a vacuum. The issue is that Assad has no compunction about killing every Syrian he can. As with everything else in the ME, there are no right answers. That said, the moral argument for attacking Assad is pretty solid. the whole “no evidence” bit is something you haven’t fully answered. Either Assad has a history of gassing his people or he doesn’t- the preponderance of the evidence is that he did.
  15. It’s pretty remarkable the gymnastics happening here. MIB has been posting bullshit, carrying water for Trump, etc. for months and now he’s pissing on Trump for attacking Assad. One last time - Trump is human garbage and is likely trying to wag the dog. Assad is human garbage and deserves to die. I don’t give anyone credit in this situation, but all you do is hang onto conspiracies -why? I know we all thought we figured out the Illuminati when we were 18, but most of us grew up.
  16. So, was the attack last year fake? Has he ever gassed his people? The increasing levels of conspiracy needed to white knight fucking Assad is just weird. Assad is a terrible dude and has been doing terrible shit for years. It’s not even remotely a stretch to drawn a line to the event that triggered this. The one person who pushes this narrative - fucking Putin. What is wrong with you?
  17. For people who claim to not be trolls, there sure are a lot of motherfuckers trying to destabilize various parts of the country. if Assad ordered and carried out gas attacks (he did) the actions tonight were justified, and troubling. The destabilizers will need to go back to Pizza Hut.
  18. Intensely proud of ignorance - it's like the distillation of everything Trumpian.
  19. That was pretty amazing. Does this qualify as a place to say "the best people"?
  20. I can only assume he wants to get out because he'll be the Minority Leader with a really pissed off majority.
  21. Wait, weren’t we told KU was in the clear on this.
  22. You are really going all-in, aren't you. We will see, but betting on Trump at this point is not the smart bet. That said, the Senate likely won't vote to impeach, so nothing will happen. That doesn't mean that Trump and team aren't in this up to their eyes.
  23. It was so nice of the FBI to wait until The Circus is back on Showtime this week - that is going to be some incredible TV. As many others have said, this has to accelerate the endgame (or at least the next steps) because you have to believe that Trump is going to do something batshit crazy in response.
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