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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by VRHorn

  1. For the millionth time - they will complete the investigation before tipping their hand. I know willful ignorance is kinda your thing, but please try harder to not be obtuse.
  2. "My guy can't be indicted" has to be the lowest bar to crow about in the history of the world.
  3. Purg (previously Atilla) has been around Longhorn boards for 20 years. I don't think he's JimTom, but I do think he's insane.
  4. Dude, nobody gives a flying fuck about your stupid ass. Johnny Ballsack is not a trust fund baby (perish the thought) but he stands to inherit a shitpot full of money when his granddaddy croaks ( huge difference, obviously). You should quit while you’re behind.
  5. For a thread that is ostensibly about Christians, there is some absolute gold here. Some of you guys should be in the Unintentional Comedy Hall of Fame.
  6. And your party is stringing you along based on the promise of stopping abortion. Narrator - it won’t. while doing this, they are doing everything Brisket says and actively making life harder for (at least) 60 million ACTUAL souls. You are delusional, which is nicer than “a fucking moron”.
  7. One should view religion like flat-earth theory. I guess it’s okay to believe it, but you shouldn’t plan your actual life around it.
  8. The Bible thumpers have been trying to rebuild this country since 1980 and the intelligent people are letting them do it. The fact that their proxies are terrible people (Pence, Cruz, the orange orangutan) doesn’t wake the stupid fuckers up, but somehow the rational folks are the danger. we’re actively attacking science and rational thought - I don’t have kids, so you dipshits can die in a fire.
  9. Damnit, I was going to point out the 9 questions. Sheeeit is a force of nature.
  10. Are you having a stroke?
  11. Stop being so PC! Am I doing it right, Slorch?
  12. Or (and I can’t believe I have to explain this to someone over 12) the Baylor rape culture existed for 5 or 6 years when it should have lasted 15 minutes. slorch’d.
  13. Tahoe makes me miss Swam. At least Swam was honest about his idiocy...Tahoe is playing this bullshit “of course I don’t like Trump, but we don’t know he’s actually violating the Constitution” while specifically ignoring the fucking Emoluments clause. in a just world (or board) a dipshit like Tahoe would be shamed away, but here we are.
  14. Y'all need to back the fuck up off of Tahoe - he got his tax cut so you can all fuck right off! Great job, Tahoe.
  15. I think it essentially boils down to a Pascal's wager of sorts for Brisket and others like him. Maybe this is a blip that will revert to normal, in which case Brisket is overreacting. But, what if it isn't? I think his point is that the destruction of norms is a portent of things to come and that it will continue to get worse.
  16. Yeah, that’s almost a perfect “old man yells at cloud” speech, but he left out race, so only a B+.
  17. Except (and I am sure you don’t know this) the comics were explicitly told that no jokes about the orange baboon’s wealth were allowed. The snowflake made it a precondition of his appearance. I don’t recall if anyone did it anyway, but the stories behind that roast show what a child he is. As for the cyclone, he’s from fucking Iowa - what does he know about anything?
  18. Sick comeback, bro. Attack her routine (it was a little off the rails at times) but attacking her appearance is hilarious given the bridge trolls that currently “run” the country.
  19. Trump is so broke that his lawyer needs to pay off his mistresses. i thought she was fine. It’s a thankless job and mouth breathers like the geniuses above are always going to complain about “muh president” being attacked.
  20. It’s really unfortunate that there isn’t a kill shot here. It’s not like vmw doesn’t have a long history of being a fucktard.
  21. That Trump didn’t show up for this event (again) automatically makes his minions look like fools. The entire point of this is to get roasted, and if you can’t stand up like a man you don’t get to bitch about the results.
  22. Other than "nothing matters" I cannot see how Finding 32 isn't sufficient. As kevwun says, ineptitude isn't innocence and there was a clear expectation that a foreign "agent" was going to give them information to harm their opponent.
  23. That totally makes sense and that's fair - I guess I just expect pols to revert to their prior behavior once the spotlight is off.
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