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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by VRHorn

  1. It is amazing how unfunny Trumpkin cartoons are. What is funny is how every stupid fucking Trumpkin thinks the Garrison or other pro-Trumpkin cartoon is the next viral hit and worthy of being posted here.
  2. Logically, it’s obvious that you are right. I guess that the hope is that the optics will become a problem. i am mostly on your ledge, but whatever this is is accelerating, so there’s that.
  3. Don’t worry, it will all be over soon.
  4. Oh look, Beto is meeting with the Freedom Caucus.
  5. I know it's not on your (her) list, but what about UVA? You can't throw a rock at State or the CIA without hitting a UVA grad.
  6. I am not suggesting anything, idiot. In response to the question “is this real” you responded with “if you are a gullible moron”. That would lead people without a severe head injury to conclude that you don’t think the video is real. Your masterful comeback was to imply that someone said she was a nazi, which, of course, no one did. i think we are now caught up, champ. Now fuck off.
  7. Are you suggesting that video isn’t real? If not, exactly what point do you think you are making?
  8. Yeah, his Russian is terrible. Yours, on the other hand, is probably great.
  9. He told you - Barack Hussein Obama, II.
  10. Not to speak for Wildcat, but the purity test lead to Bernie voters staying home or voting for Stein or Trump. That is what caused Trump (among many other things). The Obama years are not the issue, dude.
  11. Well, if we're not at war with Russia, he really can't (according to the strict reading of the Constitution). I guess he could have Congress declare war and then do what he's doing.
  12. And meanwhile, B_T and others are blasting Huck and others (on the Trump thread) for being "centrists" and conservative. This place is hilarious.
  13. Purity tests got us into this -they are not likely to get us out. The goal has to be to focus on teaching the pubs a hard lesson about bowing to a cult of personality and then picking up the pieces and moving forward. If we maximize the votes against the pubs, we can fix the critical issues. It will then be on both parties to engage with the public in a constructive way.
  14. Well, if they are actively hacking our government, political parties, etc. can we say we are in an "open" cyberwar? It's a bit of a stretch, but it's not like Trump is going to ever go to Congress and ask for a declaration of war (nor would any other President, to be fair).
  15. I would say that Rand Paul is probably not thrilled with that, but fuck that guy. I guess we're off to the races for today...
  16. Did you mean rule of law, idiot? asking for a friend.
  17. Oatmeal fuckhead’s whataboutism is just about to peak and it is completely absurd that we allow retards like him and Johnny Sackless to post alongside brisket, goll, and others. we are now all aware that actual collaboration with a foreign government happened and some of these traitors (the only valid word) are still blowing Cheeto Benito. History has its eyes on you.
  18. That’s kinda where I am. A dad killing himself didn't move the needle, so it will interesting to see what happens when a kid dies.
  19. Yeah, he talks and acts just like you! Wonderful...
  20. This is absolutely sickening and it is slipping off of the front page, The administration’s whole bit has always been to overwhelm people with insanity.
  21. By the way -denigrating the FBI is straight out of the Russian playbook. Good job, comrade. Tell your CO how enlightened you are.
  22. Man, you really showed me... Sample sizes - how do they work?
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