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Certifiably Surly
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Huckleberry last won the day on December 16 2021

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29677 Surly 1%

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  1. You are an exceptionally stupid person. Congratulations on finding your purpose.
  2. You've never not been terrified so that's not very informative.
  3. People who let someone else protesting something that doesn't even involve them keep them from voting are morons. More likely they're liars who don't actually care about the protests but use them as a convenient excuse.
  4. No, subbing is busted. You can substitute on the playcalling screen but it's by specific formation so extremely tedious. In the passing game I've gotten to where I feel responsible for most bad plays. Run game is still stupid, CPU blocks like everyone is Larry Allen meanwhile my 90+ linemen can't block scrubs. More slider adjustments I guess.
  5. Numbers work out, it's just that Trump must be up with voters 30-34 around 113% to -13%.
  6. About 45 minutes for the one I timed yesterday. After subtracting out the 6 things my wife needed me to do that she happened to remember only during the time I was playing, of course.
  7. Same here to a certain extent. At least now I can shut down inferior CPU opponents but the only consistent method is matching personnel then using Cover 2 Man and controlling one of the safeties to come up in run support. If the CPU has any kind of decent run game talent then I have to blitz 2 guys (different playcall names depending on defensive personnel) and control the defender assigned to cover the RB. I try to change things up instead of spamming the same two play calls but that just ends in disaster usually.
  8. I don't know who this is but props to her and/or her stylist. You almost don't even notice that her hairline is halfway back on her head at first.
  9. Um why are you embarrassed to have discovered the best road trip snack combo in the universe? I mean the key is that you don't frequently drink Mountain Dew so that when you do drink a 32 ouncer it's basically like 5 energy drinks and you're easily able to stay awake while your kids and your wife who promised "I'll stay awake with you this time" sleep for hours.
  10. No, I'm saying that's the end result. It's not my preference that it has to be that way but it does. It would be a lot cooler if our entire economic system wasn't based on an expanding population but that's the world we live in.
  11. True in small quantities but there's that whole problem where society as currently structured completely collapses if everyone who doesn't really want kids or who would be a bad parent didn't have any kids.
  12. I mean it couldn't be more obvious if you just posted "I am scared." What a sad display.
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