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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Huckleberry

  1. There will always be people who push the limits. It is absolutely wild to me that there are Texas fans who want to go back to a world where instead of requiring a billionaire like Knight or Ellison to keep players from Texas for financial reasons, Jim Bob's Used Auto Yard outside Tuscaloosa can do it.
  2. Aside from being terrible for Texas, why would that be nice?
  3. Not even close. This is just typical game thread stupidity. The morons are the ones who have no idea what they're looking at in a football game and think that was a good clutch throw. The ball was underthrown by at least 5 yards. I watched it again and my initial 5 yards estimate was generous. Smith decelerated all the way to barely a jog to wait for the ball. That play was a terrible defensive call combined with Smith absolutely torching the DB. It's the same thing as saying Ewers's two touchdowns to Blue against Ohio State were great clutch throws. That would be a dumb thing to say, just like it is to call Howard's a good throw.
  4. Imagine Quinn needing to complete that. Probably sails 10 yards out of bounds lol. Will Howard is clutch. Ewers isn't. Holy shit you are so stupid. We have seen Will Howard completely choke games away every season he's been in college including multiple times this season but you're impressed that he completed a pass on a ball underthrown by 5 yards because the receiver was 10 yards open.
  5. Ha how does that just stand? Completely obvious and indisputably confirmed by the replay.
  6. Switch the QBs last Friday night. Who wins? Ohio State except by more
  8. Are you under the impression that the pressure he's seen is any way similar to what OSU and Georgia's DLs did to our OL? Or that our receivers were anywhere near as open as OSU's have been tonight or that ours make contested catches that well? If so, do you watch games with your eyes open?
  9. Riley Leonard should ask The Big Guy why he's being forsaken.
  10. I would think that watching Will Howard do this after seeing how terrible he was at Kansas State would help even the simpletons on this board realize that offensive production isn't just about the QB, but once again I overestimate the football board's intelligence.
  11. Exactly. He's a college student. He has decided to transfer schools, nobody would care except for some reason lots of people think that if you're a student who happens to play intercollegiate athletics then you should be restricted from transferring schools unlike every other student.
  12. Every time that's posted I notice Laci Peterson's name.
  13. Yes it was mostly a joke, but then again all grammar is simply stylistic choice. Who is still the more accepted/preferred word in that context therefore it's better grammar. Back to the ctj/Sydney cat fight.
  14. Brackens on their kicker. We have a history of nearly murdering Tech players.
  15. He's a badass pass rushing true freshman defensive end. Other than QB there aren't any more valuable player categories, especially in college.
  16. What position would you select if you wanted to get hit as little as possible, block as little as possible, still get the individual glory of scoring touchdowns, and either can't throw or more importantly can't lead well enough to play QB?
  17. This is how you get yourself suspended from your role as official surly proofreader.
  18. Please use an Oxford/serial comma. Thank you.
  19. Fawcett is beclowning himself. They have decided to part ways just like HenryJames and every sober woman he's ever met have decided not to date.
  20. Yep he needs to worry about his life right now, not football.
  21. Yikes. I should have clarified for future posts only. Ha.
  22. Tucked it on 4th down. If one post could sum up how stupid a poster is, this is it.
  23. 1st down was the right call. Then it went to shit. 2nd down should have been a play action boot with instructions to throw it away if it's not here. Then pound it 3rd and 4th down. If they stop it then it's a 7 point game with more than 2 minutes and they have the ball on their own goal line. I was saying this shit before 1st down. It's not hindsight.
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