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Posts posted by lmao

  1. 8 hours ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

    Ladies and gentlemen, this is Ellen Troxclair, a "conservative" who is running for the Texas legislature. Here she is yesterday at a campaign event in Bell County, one of the least vaccinated counties in Texas despite being the home of Scott and White Hospital, one of the largest hospitals in the world.  Notice 1) how many old people are there 2) how nobody is wearing a mask  3) how white the crowd is. In a state that's 40% Hispanic there doesn't appear to be a single Mexican there.  

    They truly are trying to kill off their voters. 


    Ellen troxclair.jpg

    Wood. Prob 100% chance she's getting plowed by other dudes.


    • Fuck You 1
  2. 2 hours ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    I am really irritated with BLM in NYC at the moment.  Rather than talking about how Vaccine mandates can disenfranchise people of color and protesting on the UWS, use your outreach and get more people of color to get vaccinated.  

    At this point, I do not care what race you are, if you have chosen to not be vaccinated, you should be shunned.  You are part of the problem.  Fuck you.

     Because, as predicted, it is disenfranchising. You can be against vaccine passports and for the vaccine. 



    Last week, a fight broke out in a popular New York City restaurant after a white hostess and three Black women from out of town became embroiled in a dispute over showing proof of COVID-19 vaccination.

    After the women, who are facing charges in the brawl, said the hostess used a racist term in the incident, Black Lives Matter is planning a protest. According to the New York Times, the co-founder and chairman of Black Lives Matter Greater New York, Hank Newsome, said that the group plans on staging a protest at Carmine’s, a popular Italian restaurant on Manhattan’s Upper West Side.

    “Restaurants are using vaccine mandates to enforce their racist beliefs and excluding Black patrons,” Newsome said.

    Justin Moore, an attorney who is representing one of the women, Kaeita Nkeenge Rankin, said the hostess spewed a racial slur and spoke condescendingly to the patrons. She suggested that their vaccination cards were fake, said Moore




    • Hook 'Em 1
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  3. 24 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

    If your physician prescribes you Ivermectin, that’s the least of your worries, the biggest worry is who is officiating the snake handling church service while you’re both absent

    Where did you go to medical school?

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  4. 58 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Found triplehorn. 


    If a physician prescribes Ivermectin that's a decision between a medical professional and their patient. Self-prescribing yourself black market horse paste is stupid. Listen to your physician.

    • Fuck You 2
  5. 53 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    It’s always the black peoples fault according to these idiots. Always.

    That yahoo article was written by a progressive woman of color worried about how vaccine passports would disproportionately affect certain demos.


    • Fuck You 3
  6. 16 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Except minority (both black and hispanic) vaccination rates are steadily increasing -- increased access and availability and outreach have all helped.  The bulk of vaccine RESISTANCE -- "I will never ever ever ever get the shot" resides in one demographic.  But to be clear, I don't CARE what your demographic is if you are a member of that group.  White MAGA, hispanic, black, I don't care.  If you have chosen to tell society to get fucked because your individual personal choice is paramount, then live with the consequences of that choice as an individual, and do not impose ANY cost on the rest of society.  Die at home.  Alone.

    We have a literally deadly pandemic of toxic individuality.  I wish that it only harmed its practitioners.  But as kids go into sepsis because they can't get a bed for appendicitis, as veterans die because they can't get a bed for an easily treatable condition, the INDIVIDUAL choices are harming OTHER PEOPLE.  So, fuck the individuals.  I show them the same utter contempt and lack of compassion that they have demonstrated that they believe is the American ideal.  I am all-in on their super-duper-freedom vision of America.  And I think they should die the way they lived -- alone, with nobody giving a shit about anyone else, including them.


    • Fuck You 2
  7. Just now, Brisketexan said:

    Except minority (both black and hispanic) vaccination rates are steadily increasing -- increased access and availability and outreach have all helped.  The bulk of vaccine RESISTANCE -- "I will never ever ever ever get the shot" resides in one demographic.  But to be clear, I don't CARE what your demographic is if you are a member of that group.  White MAGA, hispanic, black, I don't care.  If you have chosen to tell society to get fucked because your individual personal choice is paramount, then live with the consequences of that choice as an individual, and do not impose ANY cost on the rest of society.  Die at home.  Alone.

    We have a literally deadly pandemic of toxic individuality.  I wish that it only harmed its practitioners.  But as kids go into sepsis because they can't get a bed for appendicitis, as veterans die because they can't get a bed for an easily treatable condition, the INDIVIDUAL choices are harming OTHER PEOPLE.  So, fuck the individuals.  I show them the same utter contempt and lack of compassion that they have demonstrated that they believe is the American ideal.  I am all-in on their super-duper-freedom vision of America.  And I think they should die the way they lived -- alone, with nobody giving a shit about anyone else, including them.

    75% of adults have at least one shot. That leaves 25% unvaxxed, of that group a decent % knowingly or unknowingly have antibodies. Also, as you sad, more unvaxxed are starting to get the shot. 

    • Fuck You 3
  8. 10 minutes ago, Foosters said:

    There you are, blaming Black people again.

    Got a cite to that statistic, btw? 


    7 minutes ago, heso said:

    I don’t care what color your skin is. That’s a bullshit red herring. If you’ve chosen to go unvaccinated you’ve chosen the path of anti-science. You’ve actively chosen to spread the disease and you should be shamed for it. They shouldn’t be treated at the hospital, the should be bussed to empty warehouses, parking garages, and tent cities where they are given whatever care that can be given that won’t additionally stress the health care system and the should be billed directly for it. Fuck em. 


    -If you are fully vaccinated and become infected with the Delta variant, you can spread the virus to others



    • Fuck You 8
  9. 8 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    I'm not just rooting for the virus.  I'm rooting for it to evolve in one particular way: if you are an unvaxxed adult, the lethality rate skyrockets.  If you are a vaccinated adult, if you even get infected it only causes you to sneeze one time.  And if you are a child, it doesn't affect you at all.

    We live in the dumbest place in the dumbest timeline in the Republic of Dumbassistan in the capital city of Idiotopolis.




    • Fuck You 11
  10. Structural racism and classism. There is also a huge gender disparity in sentencing as well. 

    The Innocence Project just had a black former student at the University of Kansas released after he was sentenced by an all white female jury to twelve years for what is now known to be a false sexual assault allegation.

  11. 2 minutes ago, hookem2010 said:
    9 hours ago, lmao said:
    You won't visit your parents because of random comments on a social media platform you don't us?

    I don't visit my parents because the people making those racist comments on a social media platform I don't use also make those comments in person and are a constant presence when I am there. And while they may contain themselves to some degree when my wife, who is not white, and I are around them, I know that my parents are not above those same thoughts. Did I spell it out well enough for you this time?

    Yes. Didn't realize your parents were racist and keep racist company. I wouldn't visit them either if that was the case.

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