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Posts posted by lmao

  1. "And he said he’s disappointed that David can’t understand why he’d work with any administration on peace for Israel"

    Lol, "peace for Israel". The same guy that openly advocates for apartheid & US military intervention against every country in the ME. This guy is such a pos. 

  2. 37 minutes ago, Gatorubet said:


    Go fuck yourself. In the history of modern presidents, none have wandered the country after an election, spreading false and easily disprovable lies about a stolen election, let alone bringing sanctionable BS suits saying the same false shit - only to get whacked by his own judicial appointees calling his lies BS.

    What a lying shit you are to claim he is just your run of the mill ex-POTUS. Fuck off Comrade.


    He's con man realtor former reality TV host from Queens. He isn't the second coming of Christ like some in GOP believe & he also isn't some evil genius. He is what he is. 

    • Fuck You 2
  3. 3 hours ago, fluff said:

    I got mine, would be interested in comparing numbers with anyone else that got tested..

    My work offered free testing so I got tested for a few months multiples times per week . & somehow never tested positive. I got an antibody test as well & had antibodies though. Got the JJ afterwards when it was my place in line. 

  4. 10 minutes ago, Murfdogg21 said:

    Not reading 1000 pages…

    If someone got their first two shots through some county deal like APH where they don’t inquire about your insurance or take any personal information outside of your name, DOB, and look at your drivers license, could you roll into H‑E‑B or CVS with your insurance and get #3 and #4 as if they were #1 and #2?

    Is this legal?

  5. 26 minutes ago, C-Man said:

    Since you posted this, I guess we should jump the line and go ahead and get the third/booster? I'm so confused.

    Good talk, Russ.

    Nah just posting what Fauci said, if vaccines are going unused or expiring  I wouldn't consider that 'jumping the line'.

    Anyways, there are some people who see serious ethical issues with boosters shots when parts of the world have little to no access to a first dose:


    • Fuck You 1
  6. 18 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    I'm not going to say hang in there because you are.

    Instead I'll tell you a story. 

    4 years ago I got appendicitis and wound up in the emergency room of The Heart hospital.  I was really scared. I'd never been under general anesthesia or had an operation of any kind. I'm also terrified of hospitals. A nurse noticed I was kind of freaking out when she checked on me, leaned in close in a comforting but borderline flirty way, and said,

    "I know you are scared, but this is the Heart Hospital. You are by far the healthiest person in this building. You're in good shape, you can breath, you're not all swollen up with edema and everything other than your appendix mostly works. It's our pleasure to take care of you, and I'd rather be in here with you than anywhere else in this building."

    And just like that, my worry and anxiety stopped cold. Ended. Simply because a nurse made me feel like my situation, which was the most important thing in the world to me in that moment, was also the most important thing to the people who were taking care of me (even thought that wasn't really true). 

    Look, I know the situation is completely different. And I know that you are struggling mightily to even do the basics to take care of yourself. I know that you can't properly care for anybody right now. But I hope you know that a large majority of the people you work with are grateful for the care you, personally, provide,  and that you are living a life of great positive consequence even when it feels like you are overtaken by events. 

    It doesn't make it easier, but this time will be a memory soon enough. When it is a memory, make sure you get the help you need to process it. Nobody's blame you for taking this one on the chin. 


    • Fuck You 1
  7. 14 hours ago, JimmyJames said:

    The war machine is mad at Biden and have very clearly instructed the media they own to punish him for his transgressions.

    One good thing about Joe being old and near the end of his political career is he no longer gives a shit if the war machine and the media it controls wants to punish him.

    Politically. None of this matters anyway. This ain’t 2000 anymore. 

    It's weird seeing 'both sides' pile on him but there really isn't anti-war party in this country mor in the MSM so it was expected. I've criticized Biden's history a lot, mostly from a left leaning perspective, but I got to give it to him on this one he's (unfairly imo) taking this on the chin. I love how the Fox News boomercons have abandonded their recent anti-interventionalist rhetoric & are now back to being neocons. 

    • Like 1
  8. Siap but this is nuts:


    Authorities in northern Germany have appealed to thousands of people to get another shot of Covid vaccine after a police investigation found that a Red Cross nurse may have injected them with a saline solution.

    The nurse is suspected of injecting salt solution into people’s arms instead of genuine doses at a vaccination centre in Friesland – a rural district near the North Sea coast – in the early spring.

    I am totally shocked by this episode,” Sven Ambrosy, a local councillor, said on Facebook as local authorities issued the call on Tuesday to about 8,600 residents who may have been affected.

    While saline solution is harmless, most people who got vaccinated in Germany in March and April when the suspected switch took place are elderly and at high risk of catching Covid.

    Police investigator Peter Beer, speaking earlier at a news conference covered by German media, said that based on witness statements there was “a reasonable suspicion of danger”.

    The motive of the nurse, who was not named, was not clear but she had aired sceptical views about vaccines in social media posts, police investigators said.

    • Fuck You 1
  9. 12 minutes ago, Pods said:

    Fuck off Fozzz. Your entire schtick as a poster is willfully obtuse. 

    I've already posted data showing variants cause re-infection in previously infected people countless times over the past two months of dealing with you and GRHorn's disingenuous bullshit.  

    There is no herd immunity without a robust vaccination regime and boosters. There was debate about this 2 months ago, there is no debate about it now. 

    Please post sources that say antibodies from prior infection doesn't count towards herd immunity. What debate settled this science? Links please. You're getting emotional & hurling insults. I don't gaf about your politics just post the science. 

    • Fuck You 3
  10. 46 minutes ago, UDontKnow said:

    Not sure if serious or being willfully obtuse. But the answer to your question is 'no' because for this illness natural immunity wanes quickly (within 3 months) and does not appear to protect well against infection from variant strains. Heck even vaccine-induced immunity wanes with time hence the need for booster injections.

    Herd immunity is much tougher to achieve for rapidly mutating viruses and when half the country refuses to get vaccinated. In order for herd immunity to work everyone needs to be fully vaccinated at roughly the same time to prevent viral mutation.

    No, Im not being 'willfully obtuse'. What is your source that natural immunity wanes after 3 months & that natural immunity doesn't count towards herd immunity? I & a few other coworkers had antibodies 3+ months after infection. I got the JJ when it was my turn in line afterwards. 

    • Fuck You 4
  11. 9 minutes ago, Born to Run said:

    One of my subcontractors was hospitalized with covid but made it. He has trouble climbing stairs now. 50s, looks healthy, not fat.

    Always wore a mask on site so I assumed he was vaccinated.


    Will he vaccinate now, nope his Cardiologist said he's has natural immunity now and that the vaccines are completely ineffective against the new variant. He accepts that he may not be able to fly, go into many jobsites, or attend concerts and that others will see him as a pariah, but hes doubling down and not getting a vaccine period.

    For fucks sake

    Does natural immunity not count toward herd immunity? I'm vaccinated. Everyone should get vaccinated. That doesn't mean we should ignore the protection people with antibodies have from prior infection. 

    • Fuck You 3
  12. 1 minute ago, RomaVicta said:

    That's a terrible and stupid comparison even after time passes.



    Smells kind of like...what is it? Smells like both sides in here. Yuck.

    "Both sides" as if there is only two sides & everything is binary. Life is more complex than the prism of two American political parties. 

    • Fuck You 2
  13. 2 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    American Disingenuity. 

    Living wage? GOPs oppose. Dems Support.

    Healthcare? Dems got what they could from a resistant GOP. Your characterization of Biden borders on a lie. He didn't want Medicare for everyone. Did he not support Obama's original plan? Do you even want to know?

    Public Schools? GOP wants to move public monies to private schools via the voucher (Hey! It'll make private school a little cheaper for the already-wealthy!) But, heck, both sides, right?

    Good policing? Maybe that means stop killing black men: GOP thinks BLM is evil while Dems marched with BLM. No Dem president in my memory has ever urged the police to be more violent (or have we forgotten Trump's admonition to officers arresting vocal protesters?)

    If you're laughing your ass off while spouting this bullshit, you just might be a blithering idiot. The 1% thanks you for your service.


    I agree the Republicans are terrible but the fucking sitting president wrote the 94 racist crime bill. The vice president has a criminal justice record that mimics a racist boomer southerner. Marching with BLM is a good thing, but how about some action? No more rhetoric. Action. Actually help people. 

    And yes Rogan is a dipshit but here is Josh Dubin & Jason Flom of the Innocence Project on her record. Marching with BLM & rhetoric doesn't erase all of the terrible policies they've written or implemented.


    • Fuck You 1
  14. 1 hour ago, 4th&Five said:

    Imagine voluntarily admitting yourself to a hospital where you believe the doctors are lying to you.  Roll these cunts to the curb and give the bed to someone else.

    Imagine getting bankrupted for getting sick in the wealthiest country in human history. 

    • Fuck You 1
  15. On 8/16/2021 at 11:50 AM, brakeman said:


    Wait, which party supports universal healthcare? The current president is fervently against it. Most of the stuff on the left side of that cartoon at best is supported with a few lines of rhetoric but when it comes down to legislation & voting it is abandoned. Outside of a handful of progressive Democrats I don't see any of that being seriously implemented. The infastructure bill is a start I guess.

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