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Posts posted by lmao

  1. 2 hours ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

    He can’t answer Afghanistan questions regardless of the hurricane, jackass

    I'm not a Biden fan and get downvoted for criticizing him from a left leaning perspective but the man finally had the balls to get us out of this 20 year trillion+ mess. Everyone before him kicked the can down the road & he finally took it on the chin & is doing what needs to be done. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  2. 2 hours ago, mdmost said:

    We really live in an f'ing world where people willing choose to forego a vaccine that was tested for multiple months and has been administered for almost a year and instead WILLINGLY choose to ingest HORSE DEWORMER to keep themselves from getting Covid. HORSE DEWORMER! 2020 broke this f'ing country's brain. 

    That's a small % of the population. The unvaccinated in urban areas aren't taking horse dewormer or posting political hot takes on twitter. They're just agnostic about it. Similar to people who don't take the flu vaccine.

    • Fuck You 1
  3. 23 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Houston hospital, with their chief of critical care, arguing that Ivermectin should be given to patients, under the direction of a physician.



    Yeah it's a decision between a physician & patient. I know a pulmonologist & professor who says it works on the margins. Making this a poltical issue is insanity. It's a therapeutic that has value in certain cases. Some Qanon dipshit eating horsepaste should have no influence on a physician's protocol. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, Sawbonz said:

    If 90+% of people at an event are vaccinated, only a tiny fraction of them are likely to be infected. Yes those few are infectious. Early reports are they are less infectious than unvaccinated who are covid infected, but for argument’s sake let’s say they are equally infectious. The people around them whom they expose, being vaccinated as well, have a very small chance of contracting the virus. 

    Contrast that with almost no one vaccinated. The numbers for Lollapalooza were right there in the story you linked

    This shit is not difficult. If you passed 9th grade Health class you should get it




    And the people who have antibodies but are not vaccinated? What does 9th grade health class say about that? You didn't address the segment of the population who knowingly or unknowingly have antibodies from prior infection. Please clear this up for me. 

    • Fuck You 7
  5. 14 hours ago, lmao said:

    Can vaccinated people spread the virus? Can someone with antibodies from prior infection spread the virus? Can someone vaccinated & that also has antibodies from prior infection (me) spread the virus? 

    ^Can someone answer this post without insults? Can you spread the virus if you've been vaccinated, have antibodies from prior infection, or if you have both? I have antibodies + I've been vaccinated.


    • If you are fully vaccinated and become infected with the Delta variant, you can spread the virus to others.

    So Sturgis is a superspreader event yet Lollapalooza wasn't a superspreader event. Please ELI5 the logic in this.

    • Fuck You 11
  6. 6 minutes ago, elfenix said:

    a bunch of vaxxed people congregate unmasked in a field

    a bunch of unvaxxed people congregate unmasked in a field

    aRe ThE VaXxEd SuPeRsPrEaAdInG? says totally not just asking questions poster

    Can vaccinated people spread the virus? Can someone with antibodies from prior infection spread the virus? Can someone vaccinated & that also has antibodies from prior infection (me) spread the virus? 

    • Fuck You 16
  7. 6 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

    Uh, no? If reports are to be believed, the crowd was 90% vaccinated. Sturgis, not so much 

    What are you trying to do here? This is some pretty low effort trolling.

    The checks for being vaccinated were a joke. You're the one trolling believing 90% werr vaccinated. 

    • Fuck You 20

    23 minutes ago, Hmbre97 said:

    Ehh, I'm not buying it. Before covid and Trump, your typical antivaxxer were the granola cruncher hippy liberals. I would bet money those same folks still have those same views. Instead of horse dewormer, it's probably some mix of essential oils and patchouli.

    They do. Not sure how many times this has to be revisited but the antivax crowd is a diverse group. The term 'antivax' is also a bit of a misnormer. Is someone who never got the flu vaccine an antivaxxer? Is someone who received the MMR, Polio, etc, vaccine but hasn't received the covid vaccine an anti-vaxxer? Are the 70% of under 40 African-Americans who have not received the vaccine anti-vaxxers? People want to seperate everything into a political binary as if everyone who didn't get the vaccine is a white uneducated Trump voter but that is not the case. Redneck Trump voters, African Americans, hippies, far-left, far-right, old, young, religious, atheist, white, black, hispanic, it is a diverse group.

    • Fuck You 6
  9. 6 hours ago, aggie08 said:

    Wow, what the fuck happened to this dude's brain?

    The idea that educated "liberals" (really, educated people in general) would be having mask burnings and taking horse paste if Trump had been pro lockdown and pushed the vaccine as hard as he could from Day 1...the fuck, man. What a selfish, myopic asshole.

    I haven't worn a mask or socially distanced once in the past 18 months with the thought, "I bet this would piss off Trump" in my head.

    I'll listen to an argument that the mandates were more "extreme" as a direct opposition to Trump's idiocy, but most would have still been there--and supported--regardless of Trump's positions. Because we're not all assholes.


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  10. 1 hour ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Yeah, that don't make no sense.

    Perhaps he thinks libruls would be more likely to be civil libertarians or something.

    Lockdowns, vaccine passports, elevated police presence, curfews, etc., seems more right wing imo.

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