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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by BottleRocket

  1. I was hoping that the woman that was handed the brick from the car driving by would have said "Oh?  You want me to throw bricks?  Ok.  I'll throw this brick" and commence to smash it through the car's windshield.  

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  2. I used to go there pretty often in the 2000s, but very rarely since I moved.  But there was this one dude that seems to ALWAYS be there, and he brings his own mug.  Even in the last decade, if i happen to be in Austin and I happen to have free time to drink, and a couple of my friends happen to all agree to go there, (which has been maybe 3 times in the last decade) that dude is STILL always there.  Anyways, id feel bad for him, he'd have to find another hangout .

    You just described me sitting at the bar in Ego’s in the ‘00’s.
  3. Ray Benson: 
    Well folks, the bad news I've contracted the corona virus!! Been feeling tired for about 10 days! Went to be tested on the 21st! No tests so went home! Went back yesterday feelin the same tired out of it and they tested ... first call this mornin from lab sayin you got it!!
    Hoping for the best don't have the usual symptoms but feel tired head ache no fever no cough!!
    I'll be ok sure do miss playin music and seein everyone!
    Stay well this shits serious!! I have been alone for the most part and wore mask washed hands used hand sanitizer still got it! Do not listen to right wing BS!
    Peace Ray Benson
    (He CR'd it, not me)

    He hosted Willy’s Luck Reunion live broadcast on Facebook a couple of weeks ago as one of the 1st fund raisers for the covids. Would be real shitty if that’s when he caught it.
  4. I don’t think that there has ever been a person that went in for a sleep study and left without a report saying they needed a c-pap. Oh, and guess what, they sell you the machine too. That’s not to say that you wouldn’t benefit from one, but why don’t they just sell these devices at your local Walmart for $150 and be done with it.

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  5. I agree with whoever mentioned the closing of the xxx movie theater on South Congress around ‘96. The COA shut it down and opened a “community center “ complete with folding chairs and a ping pong table. A few months later the building was leased to a tech start-up. This was around the same time the COA paid off the LasManidos ladies $300k to go silent into the night.

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