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Muy Frio

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Posts posted by Muy Frio

  1. 4 hours ago, wild_turkey said:

    Seems like there are a few ways to more strongly encourage vaccination:

    1. Restrict freedoms for unvaccinated people. No more flying on a plane without a vaccine. Travel is a privilege and air travel currently has a mask mandate from the federal government, so replace the mask requirement with a vaccine requirement.
    Maybe restrict in person learning at public universities to vaccinated people only. I suppose that would be a state level decision which means a lot of states with low vaccination rates wouldn’t do it because politics.

    2. Provide more freedoms to vaccinated people. If unvaccinated people can’t fly, then everyone in the airports should be vaccinated and should be allowed to fly without a mask because we believe the vaccines are working. Get rid of the COVID test requirement for vaccinated people entering the U.S. from foreign travel. On that note, almost every situation that currently calls for a COVID screening test should be supplanted by proof of vaccine.

    3. Pay people. At a certain point, it’s simple economics. Estimate the healthcare cost of the projected Delta wave, take half that money, and divide it up as a tax incentive to everyone who was vaccinated this year. They probably should have made the last round of stimulus money contingent on having a vaccine. If people are really hurting financially and need money, then they need to at least do their part to help end the pandemic that triggered their hardship.

    Actually if these sources within the administration are correct and the vaccinated population are transmitting at a high rate, shouldn’t their movements be restricted for the health and safety of everyone? Are masks really enough?


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  2. 35 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Horrible take.

    After delta goes through our population this time almost every person will have been exposed or inoculated. If you’re worried about new variants those vaccines should be sent to high transmission third world areas like South America or Africa. This is without mentioning that mandates are a permanent solution to a temporary problem. 

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Heme Doc said:

    Same.  I’ve not seen any data.  And I’m not saying it can’t or doesn’t happen (vaccinated people spreading COVID).  Im just saying that it happens at such a low rate that mandating masks for vaccinated people isn’t worth the trade off of potentially fewer people getting vaxxed.  

    There’s two options really. There’s no real data and it’s just throwing something at the problem or the data is that bad that they would rather not release it. I agree it’s probably the former. 

    • Fuck You 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Heme Doc said:

    In my opinion, the latest CDC course change Re: masks in vaccinated folks is more about saying they are “doing something” about the current wave and not based in available data.  I find it highly unlikely that a large number of current COVID infections are coming from vaccinated people passing it to unvaccinated people.  If the CDC has that data, then let’s see it!  But I doubt they do.  

    Can vaccinated people still get COVID?  Sure.  But it’s pretty rare despite hearing all the panic about the breakthroughs.  Can those people generate enough virus particles to transmit it to someone else?  Sure, but I’m sure that’s quite rare.  Will mandating masks for even vaccinated individuals have a significant positive impact on our current wave?  I’m highly dubious.  Plus it may have negative impacts by causing people on the fence about getting vaccinated choose not to because they’d still have to wear a mask.  

    Prediction:  Delta wave will start declining rapidly in next 1-2 weeks and everyone will tout this change in mask guidance as the reason, but it had nothing to do with it.  It’s just the nature of waves caused by the Delta variant all around the world.

    Also, over 60 COVID patients currently in my hospital.  We had about ten 1 month ago.  ZERO are vaccinated.  

    Agreed on data. Haven’t seen anything other than vague references like this. 


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  5. 1 hour ago, Bevo said:

    Fun fact, my niece got COVID and had carditis. She then got vaccinated and got carditis. Sucks for her but she is getting better.

    This is a good example of someone who probably should have passed on the vaccine. 

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  6. 6 hours ago, Tex48 said:

    Going to Seaside next weekend for the first time in a year.  Anyone got any good restaurant or bar recs? 

    We usually stay down the road at Rosemary Beach, but every time we’ve eaten at Great Southern Cafe in Seaside it’s been very good. 

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  7. 53 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Agree that multiple people are not doing the screening shit properly, but the temperature checks have kept plenty of sick kids out, which has meant my kids aren't bringing the flu and colds and who knows what else home.

    This past year has been the first school year in 4 years that I haven't had the flu or colds thanks to my kids.

    We should keep the temperature checks, even after vaccines are available.  Too many fucking parents send their kids to school sick.

    How do temperature checks keep sick kids out? Are there really kids getting scanned with 101 degrees fevers and getting sent home? 

    • Fuck You 1
  8. 1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:


    I've heard the state/TEA is backing down a bit on the 12-and-under crowd, as far as masks and virtual options, but nothing public yet (well this sounds like an indication that it's happening).

    A lot of parents are hesitant if the schools aren't taking temperatures/screening, don't have the kids masked up, etc.

    Temperature checks and check the box “screening” measures are largely a waste of time, let’s be honest. 

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  9. 1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:


    I've heard the state/TEA is backing down a bit on the 12-and-under crowd, as far as masks and virtual options, but nothing public yet (well this sounds like an indication that it's happening).

    A lot of parents are hesitant if the schools aren't taking temperatures/screening, don't have the kids masked up, etc.

    Temperature checks and check the box “screening” measures are largely a waste of time, let’s be honest. 

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  10. On 7/21/2021 at 10:22 AM, texifornia said:

    Having a month to see how the players land on campus feels like situation ripe for a little adjustment - Worthy over his composite and Sanders below is a bit suspicious.

    Still can’t believe we fell into getting Worthy. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, XYZ said:

    That was a concern from day 1, I think, that these mRNA vaccines would provide “protection” but not sterilizing immunity. That seems to be the case, at least with the Indian strain or delta variant or whatever it’s called. It seems delta is more contagious but less deadly. The thing that I’m confused about is that ICU hospitalizations are going up sharply but deaths are not. I would think that ICU patients and deaths would go together. Unless the ICU treatments have improved significantly. I have no idea what kind of treatment they give in regular hospital rooms and ICU rooms.

    Looks  like they’re almost a Pre-treatment. 



    A cluster of COVID-19 cases in Provincetown, Massachusetts, began with the July 4th weekend. The 14-day average number of cases per 100,000 in the town rose from zero on June 30 to 13.8 on July 14 — and is now at 176.

    What makes the outbreak unusual is that two-thirds or more of the cases have been among fully vaccinated people, in an area boasting one of the country's highest vaccination rates.



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  12. 24 minutes ago, Bevo Num1 said:

    Reading secrant, I can understand the aggy hate, but what the fuck did we do to Mizzou? They are being extra whiny cunts about this and were the ones who started this shit a decade ago.

    I don’t remember specifics but I have friends that are big Mizzou fans. This shit goes back to DeLoss and Mack. Somehow they really disrespected them. 

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  13. 13 minutes ago, troph said:

    We can think that but as I recall - and though my memory may be hazy bad not hazy good like a hazy IPA - the hospital district by law has a multi county obligation. That doesn’t solve for all local hospitals though. 

    It may be contractual. In other metro areas the hospital systems contract out with small towns to have their patients sent in.

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  14. 1 hour ago, Armybrat said:

    Four of those employees of the assisted living & memory care facility are not vaccinated? WTF is wrong with that place, and those numbnut employees?

    I wondered that as well, but healthcare is like seemingly every other industry in that there’s a massive shortage of labor. Probably couldn’t afford to cut loose those 4 workers or have the threat of them walking. Just a guess. 

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